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[SOLVED] converting dates between databases


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Im in the process of changing the software my social networking site runs off and im currently trying to pull the data from the old database and load it into the new one. 


The part im stuck with is the dates as they are stored differently in both databases. Heres the old and the new structures :




field : account_created

type: varchar

example : 24th Dec 2009 at 13.19




field : joindate

type : int(10)

example : 1246980713


Id like to pull the dates from the old database, convert them and then load them into the new one using SELECT etc. its just the conversion part im stuck with :(


I also have a similar problem with the d.o.b fields :




field : birth_day

type : (int11)

example : 24


field : birth_month

type : (int11)

example : 6


field : birth_year

type : (int11)

example : 1980




field : birthday

type : char(10)

example : 05-21-1978


Hope that makes and I hope someone can help.


Thanks very much.



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do you know how to do basic database interaction with php? Like, pulling data from the old table?


yep but thats about all i know, this is what ive been doing :




$users = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM joovili_users");

			while ($got_users = mysql_fetch_array($users)){

mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (`userid`, `password`, `username`, `email`) 
VALUES ('".$got_users['id']."', '".$got_users['password']."', 


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$dateValueFromOldDatabase = '24th Dec 2009 at 13.19';


$dateAndTime = explode(' at ', $dateValueFromOldDatabase);


$newDatabaseDateFormat = mktime(15, 19, 0, 12, 24, 2009);


If you remove the 'at' strtotime will convert it, so you can do


$string = "24th Dec 2009 at 13.19";
$string = str_replace('at','',$string);
$timestamp =  strtotime($string);

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Thanks peeps, so for the first part id do something like this ??



$users = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM joovili_users");

			while ($got_users = mysql_fetch_array($users)){

$string = $got_users['account_created'];
$string = str_replace('at','',$string);
$timestamp =  strtotime($string);

mysql_query("INSERT INTO user (`userid`, `password`, `username`, `email`, `joindate`) 
VALUES ('".$got_users['id']."', '".$got_users['password']."', 


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I think the 'at' is part of his database value which is why I went the way I did, so you could explode it prior to fleshing out the timestamp.


Right. But when you explode at the "at" you are left with a 2 element array. One with '24th Dec 2009' and one with '13.19' well you turn around and use mktime with those individual number separated (and even converted, like Dec->12) well you sort of skipped the steps involved in having to go from your explode to your mktime... with what I posted, I start out with the string from the old table just the same.  I then remove the 'at' and strtotime it, which does all that stuff you skipped in your code, plus what mktime does.


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OR die(mysql_error());


will spit out the error mysql generates if there is a problem with executing the query.  Use it for debugging.  Remove it when done.  Although this sounds like a one-time-use script anyways, so whatever.


damn i wish i knew that before lol, cheers :)

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