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Ok first the prøöf its my site www.discussonline.in/rap/index.html and now my script www.discussonline.in/rap/index.php problem some people are being able to give themself the owner previlage and destroy things from site with owner tools, they manage to get into my id when im online but somehow grabs my session, i need help finding the holes and guidance to block the damn hacking.

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checked his backend he needs to make sure he puts htmlspecialchars when he echoes stuff out




echo htmlspecialchars($sid); ?>


also some of the echoes need to go its redundant to use echo echo for 800 lines. :wtf:


also i noticed the lack of  sanitization used such as trim(),mysql_real_escape_string()




hiya wayne yup bro am using sessiön at every page and also i set time for session to expire from my owner panel. But as dark freaks said it was al related with the image uploading n yup also real escape strings were lacking, the hackers got thru my session throut profile avatar link that i gave, thy put an external link to an reèral link, so everytime i visit a profile of a hacker they get my session and ruin it al pmpl, am working on it now and tryin to fix em al, i shiftd my script to another dir fa the time being.

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