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I am working on a bulletin board PHP script, and want to find a good way to do a forum and topic subscription system. I think by having it send out an email to each subscribed user each time someone makes a reply or a new topic would cause a big overhead and too many emails in the user's inbox.


What I want to do is something like a digest that takes all the topics and/or replies gathered over a certain amount of time and sends out the email with them all in it. I know this could be done with CRON tab, but if I am going to distribute this program, each user that even wants to use the digest feature would have to setup their CRON tab seperately.


I noticed in some other bulletin board's code, they have some kind of cron functions made. I really don't want to rely on if someone accesses the bulletin board or not and that depends on if that email gets sent on time or not. How would I create such a thing?

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