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One variable won't insert to table


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The following code moves a series of values from one table to another table as a result of a user clicking on a link that is emailed to them (memebrship signup form) It was working , in fact it still works except it will not being the info on AGENT from the first table (and it is there) to the second table - I have looked this over for hours and cant see anything wrong - would someone have a look and see what I have missed





$con = mysql_connect("localhost","", "");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("", $con);

// Passkey that got from link 


// Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey 
$sql1="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name1 WHERE confirm_code ='$passkey'";

// If successfully queried 

// Count how many row has this passkey

// if found this passkey in our database, retrieve data"

      $email = $rows["EMAIL"];
      $confirm_code = $rows["CONFIRM_CODE"];
      $password = $rows["PASSWORD"];
      $category = $rows["CATEGORY"];
      $price = $rows["PRICE"];
      $type = $rows["TYPE"];
      $area = $rows["AREA"];
      $bedrooms = $rows["BEDROOMS"];
      $water = $rows["WATER"];
      $land = $rows["LAND"];
      $livingarea = $rows["LIVINGAREA"];
      $agent = $rows["AGENT"];


// Insert data that retrieves from "" into table "" 
$sql2="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2 (EMAIL, PASSWORD, CATEGORY, PRICE, TYPE, AREA, BEDROOMS, WATER, LAND, LIVINGAREA, AGENT) VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$category', '$price', '$type', '$area', '$bedrooms', '$water', '$land', '$livingarea', '$agent')";


// if not found passkey, display message "Wrong Confirmation code" 
else {
echo "Wrong Confirmation code";

// if successfully moved data from table"" to table "" displays message "Your account has been activated" and don't forget to delete confirmation code from table ""

echo "Your account has been activated";
echo( $email );

// Delete information of this user from table "" that has this passkey 
$sql3="DELETE FROM $tbl_name1 WHERE confirm_code = '$passkey'";



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No actually it doesnt - bearing in mind that this script works except that the agent variable is not inserted in the new table - I checked by echoing a varaible I nknew was working and AGENT which isnt - neither echoed

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absolutely know it wasnt left over - i cleared both tables before starting - did the first step and it was all in the first table - used the emailed link and everything is in the second table except AGENT - i cant understand and i dont know why i cant echo out whats going on

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so you're telling me that when you echo out any of these:


      $email = $rows["EMAIL"];
      $confirm_code = $rows["CONFIRM_CODE"];
      $password = $rows["PASSWORD"];
      $category = $rows["CATEGORY"];
      $price = $rows["PRICE"];
      $type = $rows["TYPE"];
      $area = $rows["AREA"];
      $bedrooms = $rows["BEDROOMS"];
      $water = $rows["WATER"];
      $land = $rows["LAND"];
      $livingarea = $rows["LIVINGAREA"];
      $agent = $rows["AGENT"];


nothing gets echoed, and yet the data gets inserted into the table?

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yes that is what I am saying - if nothing was getting put in the table I would nt be so confused - I have echoed these after the line that says echo "Your account has been activated" and after the block you copied above

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okay so humor me.  If you change this:


// Insert data that retrieves from "" into table ""
$sql2="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2 (EMAIL, PASSWORD, CATEGORY, PRICE, TYPE, AREA, BEDROOMS, WATER, LAND, LIVINGAREA, AGENT) VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$category', '$price', '$type', '$area', '$bedrooms', '$water', '$land', '$livingarea', '$agent')";



to this:


// Insert data that retrieves from "" into table ""
$sql2="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2 (EMAIL, PASSWORD, CATEGORY, PRICE, TYPE, AREA, BEDROOMS, WATER, LAND, LIVINGAREA, AGENT) VALUES ('$email', '$password', '$category', '$price', '$type', '$area', '$bedrooms', '$water', '$land', '$livingarea', '$agent')";
echo $sql2;


You're saying that the following echoes:


INSERT INTO $tbl_name2 (EMAIL, PASSWORD, CATEGORY, PRICE, TYPE, AREA, BEDROOMS, WATER, LAND, LIVINGAREA, AGENT) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')"


and yet the data inserts correctly into $tbl_name2 ?

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yes - the page is called confirmation.php and a link is sent by earlier parts of the program to the email of the recipient (in this case me) so I get a link confirmation.php?passkey=sdfsdf4t65yrgdg etc. I click on this link and the required things happen minus AGENT and the script echos the usual success thing but nothing else regardless of the echo statements I insert

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Your code is inside of a conditional statement if($count==1){ that is FALSE. Find out why the first query is not returning exactly one row.


well the query is inside that condition and he's saying it is executing and all of the data is being inserted except for that one column, so that can't be the issue.



Okay so if you're 100% sure you are absolutely sure that all of the other data is being pulled from the old table and put into the new table from this script, all except for AGENT, then let's go back to just that column.  So you checked the data type of the old vs. new.  Spelling the same?  Did you make sure you didn't accidentally set it up as some auto-populated column?

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