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Hello, I am making a file uploader and it is almost complete.


But I have constraints for file size and file extentions. But they do not report the error I want them to.


Here is the code for the constraints:


$target = "files/"; 
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; 

if ($uploaded_size > 10485760) 
echo "Your file is too large.<br>"; 

if ($uploaded_type =="text/php") 
echo "Sorry, No PHP files allowed"; 

if ($ok==0) 
echo "Sorry your file was not uploaded"; 




If you have a better method or you see the problem I am having and know how to fix it, Please tell me.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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$uploaded_size and $uploaded_type have no value. So of course it won't work. Also, for your $ok, why don't you use a boolean, and just use "true/false"? Would be easier. Additionally, you could just change your structure because the whole $ok, thing isn't even needed. The errors should be enough to notify the uploader that their file wasn't uploaded. You might want to look into filesize() and getimagesize()

$target = "files/"; 
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;
$uploaded_size = $_FILES['uploaded']['size'];
$uploaded_type = $_FILES['uploaded']['type'];

if ($uploaded_size > 10485760) 
echo "Your file is too large.<br>"; 
} elseif ($uploaded_type =="text/php") 
echo "Sorry, No PHP files allowed"; 
} else {
echo "File Uploaded";

@Matthew: Thanks, But I tried it and it didn't work. But to me your code lookes perfect. But I do have code writen after that, I'll post the whole php code at the end of this post.


@Waynewex: I don't know what that is, I'm only a begginer. If you could expand on that I would appreciate it.


PHP Code:


$target = "files/"; 
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;
$uploaded_size = $_FILES['uploaded']['size'];
$uploaded_type = $_FILES['uploaded']['type'];

if ($uploaded_size > 10485760) 
echo "Your file is too large.<br>"; 
elseif ($uploaded_type =="text/php") 
echo "Sorry, No PHP files allowed"; 

function findexts ($filename) 
$filename = strtolower($filename) ; 
$exts = split("[/\\.]", $filename) ; 
$n = count($exts)-1; 
$exts = $exts[$n]; 
return $exts; 

$ext = findexts ($_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ;

$ran = rand () ;

$ran2 = $ran.".";

$target = "files/";

$target = $target . $ran2.$ext;

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target))
echo "<b>Success!, Your file has been uploaded!</b><br />
<input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" value=\"http://www.example.com/$ran2$ext\">";
echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file.";


The code uploads and displays correctly, But the constraints don't work. And yes I know there is 'www.example.com' at the end there, It's just that I don't want to give my url for that away.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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