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Hey all, I have this block of code used to mark inappropriate messages on my message board. Thing is, I need to check if a user has already marked a message once, so I do that with this line:

[quote] $checkusrx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = ".$u['userid']." AND msgid = ".$msgid."");[/quote]

Unfortunately this does not work. I always either get either nothing (the page stays exactly the same and doesn't seem to update, even though it should be) or the error message I crafted, that says "You may not mark a message more than once". Thing is, the marked message  queue is currently empty so there is no way I could have marked something already.

Here is the code below. The problem (I think) is in between lines 4 and 10. Any help would really be appreciated, I just spent an hour trying different ways to do this but none have worked so far.

if ($action == "r")
$msgid = $_GET['msg'];
$checkusrx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = ".$u['userid']." AND msgid = ".$msgid."");

if ($checkusrx == FALSE)
$checkmsgx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE msgid = ".$msgid."");
if ($checkmsgx == FALSE)

$reportx = mysql_query("INSERT INTO reports (`msgid`, `marker`) VALUES ('$msgid', '".$u['userid']."')");

if ($reportx)
echo "<span class='boardbar2'>Thank you, this message has been marked for moderation.</span>";
echo "<span class='error'>Error: Could not complete moderation - ".mysql_error()."</span>";
$marknumx = mysql_query("SELECT marks FROM reports WHERE msgid = ".$msgid."");
$marknum = mysql_fetch_assoc($marknumx);
$uprepx = mysql_query("UPDATE reports SET marks = '". $marknum['marks']+1 ."' WHERE msgid = ".$msgid."");
if ($uprepx)
echo "<span class='boardbar2'>This message has already been reported, so your report has been merged. Thank you.</span>";
echo "<span class='error'>ERROR: You may only mark a message once.</span>";

You're using double quotes inside double quoted strings for your queries, and because you are not adding "or die(mysql_error())" on the end of the call to mysql_query() you are not catching the syntax errors.  Use single quotes inside the strings instead.
Just to clarify, do you mean I should take:
[quote]  $checkusrx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = ".$u['userid']." AND msgid = ".$msgid."");[/quote]

And make it into:

  $checkusrx = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = '.$u['userid'].' AND msgid = '.$msgid.'');

OR do you mean I should do this:
  $checkusrx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = $u['userid'] AND msgid = $msgid");
Well I just changed it to

[quote] $checkusrx = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reports WHERE marker = ".$u['userid']." && msgid = ".$msgid."") or die(mysql_error());
$checkusr = mysql_fetch_assoc($checkusrx);

if (!$checkusr)

But still nothing (as in its not giving me an Mysql error message or one of my own error messages).
Yep, I did and I found the problem: Seems you were right about the mysql_query not returning FALSE everywhere, because in another query I do the same thing (check to see if its false) and it wasnt coming up. I got it sorted now, everything seems to be working too :D

Thanks for the help.
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