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Alternative method of creating a string from an array?


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I am building an array from a foreach loop and then using anything foreach loop to build a string to be outputted to HTML. The code I am posting below does this, but when using inside of another script it doesn't seem to work. I am thinking there is a better method I could use when building the final string to be outputted... any suggestions?



$prod_id = "1234"; // Sample Product number
$img_arr = array(); // Array to place images into
$prod_data = "0001:1:100,0002:2:200,0003:1:300,0004:2:400"; // Sample string

$prod_ids = explode(",", $prod_data); // Seperate string so into PRODUCTID:QUANTITY:PRICE format
foreach($prod_ids as $value){ // Loop through each set of PRODUCTID:QUANTITY:PRICE by ,
	$prod_info = explode(":", $value);	// Seperate string yet again by : 
$img_arr[] = '<img src="https://www.yourdomain.com/sale.php?TotalCost='.$prod_info[2].'&OrderID='.$prod_id.'&ProductID='.$prod_info[0].'" width="1" height="1">';

// Now take all the img paths build from array, and put into a string to be outputted into HTML
foreach($img_arr as $k){
$final = $k.$final; // Could this be done differently? Maybe more effective?

// Output of $final (Used a textbox so you can see the output as HTML)
print '<textarea cols="120" rows="20>';
echo $final;
echo '</textarea>';


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The simple way is using implode:


$final = implode("", $img_arr);


The first argument is what to put between each array item, which is nothing, aka ""


As for why it doesn't work inside the other script, I would need to see how you combined the scripts.

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Thanks for the tip.. got rid of the foreach loops there ;-)  Still doesn't seem to work.. I am thinking it might be the way I am building the arrays? Here is the segment of code .. its from the Interspire Shopping Cart.. I am adding the ability to track individual sales and quantities of items ordered to be passed to Post Affilliate Pro.


        // Include the conversion tracking code for affiliates
        foreach ($this->pendingData['orders'] as $order) {
            if (strlen(GetConfig('AffiliateConversionTrackingCode')) > 0) {
                $converted_code = GetConfig('AffiliateConversionTrackingCode');
                $converted_code = str_ireplace('%%ORDER_AMOUNT%%', $order['ordsubtotal'], $converted_code);
                $converted_code = str_ireplace('%%ORDER_ID%%', $order['orderid'], $converted_code);
                // Edit by Dustin to grab Product_ID
                $query_proid = "SELECT * FROM isc_order_products WHERE orderorderid='".$order['orderid']."'";
                $result_proid = mysql_query($query_proid);
                $prod_id = ''; // Soon to be a string of product info 
                $java_arr = array(); // Java string array
                $java = ''; // Soon to be string of javascript calls
			$img = ''; // Soon to be string of img src
                // Setup string to look like PRODUCTID:QUANTITY:PRICE,
                while ($row_proid = mysql_fetch_array($result_proid)) {
                    if ($prod_id == '') {
                        $prod_data = $row_proid['ordprodid'].':'.$row_proid['ordprodqty'].':'.$row_proid['ordprodcost'];
                    } else {
                        $prod_data .= $row_proid['ordprodid'].':'.$row_proid['ordprodqty'].':'.$row_proid['ordprodcost'].',';
                // Explode items seperated by,
                $prod_ids = explode(",", $prod_data);
                $prod_count = '1'; // Product Counter
                // Separate string by ,
                foreach ($prod_ids as $value) {
                    // Split apart string by : (PRODUCTID:QUANTITY:PRICE)
                    $prod_info = explode(":", $value);
                    //$converted_code = str_ireplace('%%PRODUCT_ID'.$prod_count.'%%',$prod_info[0], $converted_code);
                    //$converted_code = str_ireplace('%%QUANTITY_ID'.$prod_count.'%%',$prod_info[1], $converted_code);
                    // Calculate Total Price of each product ID
                    if ($prod_info[1] > '1') {
                        $price_total = $prod_info[1] * $prod_info[2]; // Price multiplied by quantity
                    } else {
                        $price_total = $prod_info[2];
                    $converted_code = str_ireplace('%%PRICE_ID'.$prod_count.'%%', $price_total, $converted_code);
                    // Build array of javascript commands
                    $java_arr[] = "
						<script type=\"text/javascript\">
						var sale".$prod_count." = PostAffTracker.createSale();
                    $prod_count++; // Increase Product Counter by 1
                    // Img array
                    $img_arr[] = '<img src="https://www.example.com/affiliate/scripts/sale.php?TotalCost='.$price_total.'&OrderID='.$order['orderid'].'&ProductID='.$prod_info[0].'" width="1" height="1">';
                // Image Loop - Returns $img as all img src created in foreach loop
                $img = implode("", $img_arr);

                // Build string from array created in for each loop
			$java = implode("", $java_arr);
                $converted_code = str_ireplace('%%JAVA%%', $java, $converted_code); // Simply Insert %%JAVA%% into affiliate tracking section of interspire
                $converted_code = str_ireplace('%%IMG_CODE%%', $img, $converted_code);
                $GLOBALS['ConversionCode'] .= $converted_code;
            // End Edit


Notice the part commented : // Build array of javascript commands


What is happening is it is not creating multiple items, only the last item in the cart... what got me thinking its not looping correctly because it is simply replacing the previous information in the array with the next item it loops through... thanks in advance for any suggestions / help :-)

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foreach ($prod_ids as $value) is the loop that is only getting the last product?  I don't see anything obviously wrong.


The debugging technique I would use here is printing out the values of variables at each step along the way.  You can use this for arrays:


print "<pre>"; var_dump($array); print "</pre>";


Start by printing out $prod_data after it's set.  Once you've verified that's correct, try the next step along.  Eventually you'll find a step where the input is correct but output is incorrect, and that is where the bug is.

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