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What does this Piece of PHP codes do?

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i have two PHP scripts, i want to know what do both of them do, though i have lil bit idea about that.


Scripts are below:








* Full page Iframe to display the offer URL and prevent bots from following the link to the final destination URL




* Edit the values for $offerURL


* Add content filler in the <noframes> section to help your quality score


* Edit the title


* Edit meta description content


* Edit meta keywords content




* Save As: new file name


* Upload to your server along with the r-decode.php file




* That's it!






$offerURL = "http://www.hostgator.com/";//put your offer's affiliate jump link here


$offerURL = trim($offerURL);//do not edit this line


$thisRedirectUrl = base64_encode($offerURL);//do not edit this line


$thisRedirectUrl = "r-decode.php?{$thisRedirectUrl}";//do not edit this line










<title>Edit Me</title>


<META name="description" content="">


<META name="keywords" content="">




<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">


<frame src="<? echo $thisRedirectUrl; ?>" frameborder="0" />


<frame frameborder="0" noresize />




Put content here...














// Note: there's no need to modify this file. Just upload it to your server along with the iframe file.


// this file redirects the user to your affiliate link while hiding the refer information from the destination URL


$thisReferringUrl = @$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];//use default in case the requested url is invalid


$clientIPNumber = @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];


$clitentBrowserUserAgent = @$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];


if (empty($clitentBrowserUserAgent)){


//no useragent means it's a bot


header("HTTP/1.0 301 Permanent Redirect");








$topMargin = rand(10,111);


$thisRedirectUrl = null;


$imagePropertiesArr = array();


if (!empty($imagesArr)){


$rand_key = array_rand($imagesArr, 1);


$imageProperties = $imagesArr[$rand_key];


$imagePropertiesArr = explode("|",$imageProperties);




$url_encoded = @$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];


if (!empty($url_encoded)){


$url_encoded = trim($url_encoded);


$url_decoded = base64_decode($url_encoded);


if (checkValidURL($url_decoded)){


$thisRedirectUrl = $url_decoded;






function checkValidURL($siteurl){


$siteurl = trim($siteurl);


$siteurlVal = $siteurl;


$siteurlVal = ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9?:=,;@#$|&+%\/._-]", "", $siteurlVal);//strip out invalid chars


if ($siteurl != $siteurlVal) return false;


if(ereg("^http://.+\\..+$", $siteurl) || ereg("^https://.+\\..+$", $siteurl))


return true;




return false;




if (empty($thisRedirectUrl)){


header("HTTP/1.1 404");


header("Location: 404");






//echo $thisRedirectUrl;




//header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");


//header("Pragma: no-cache");


//header("HTTP/1.0 301 Permanent Redirect");






<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">


<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=<? echo $thisRedirectUrl; ?>" />






<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">


function go(){


document.location.href="<? echo $thisRedirectUrl; ?>";




setTimeout ('go()', 1);










Thanks for your help,

Natasha Thomas

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From what I can see the scripts you are asking about are from an affiliate network.


The affiliate network look like they are using frames to display content such as adverts from third party advertisers on a webpage where these scripts are present. As for the second script, it looks as though It is collecting information about a user such as their browser and so on, which is also passed onto the affiliate network.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You said it collects info for an affiliate site?


Can you tell what affiliate site it is collecting for?

The only destination I see is ""

which I thought was a loopback address?

Meaning it just loops back to to:


"$offerURL = "http://www.hostgator.com/";//put your offer's affiliate jump link here" is indeed a loopback address depending on who is using it. If I use then I'll be using my own loopback address and not yours (as you will use yours and not mine). is a reserved class B network address. Like all addresses in the format x.x.x.0 and x.x.x.255. So when you order your crawler to go to it will do so on its own server not yours (I think this must be the technical equivalent to: go **** yourself).

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