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little help needed.


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i currently have a page with this code in..




$strrand = rand(1,100);
$defrand = rand(1,100);
$spdrand = rand(1,100);
$bankrand = rand(1,100);
$pointsrand = rand(1,100);

//Strength success
If($strrand <= 20)
echo "<br><b>Strength:</b> ". $english_format_number = number_format($enemy->strength) ."<br>";
//Strength fail
else if($strrand >= 21)
echo "<br><b>Strength:</b> Couldn't find out!<br>";

//defense success
If($defrand <= 20)
echo "<b>defense:</b> ". $english_format_number = number_format($enemy->defense) ."<br>";
//defense fail
else if($defrand >= 21)
echo "<b>defense:</b> Couldn't find out!<br>";

//speed success
If($spdrand <= 20)
echo "<b>speed:</b> ". $english_format_number = number_format($enemy->speed) ."<br>";
//speed fail
else if($spdrand >= 21)
echo "<b>speed:</b> Couldn't find out!<br>";

//bank success
If($bankrand <= 20)
echo "<b>bank:</b> ". $english_format_number = number_format($enemy->bank) ."<br>";
//bank fail
else if($bankrand >= 21)
echo "<b>bank:</b> Couldn't find out!<br>";

//points success
If($pointsrand <= 20)
echo "<b>points:</b> ". $english_format_number = number_format($enemy->points) ."<br><br>";
//points fail
else if($pointsrand >= 21)
echo "<b>points:</b> Couldn't find out!<br><br>";
$query = $db->execute("update `players` set `money`=? where `id`=?", array($player->money - $moneyloss, $player->id));	

echo "<a href=\"home.php\">Back</a>";



what i want to do is put that information into a database... but i dunno the best way of doing it... i dont wanna have to do something like this...


if ($strrand >= x && $defrand <= x && $spdrand <= x && $bankrand <= x && $pointsrand <= x){

Then do query.
else if ($strrand <= x && $defrand >= x && $spdrand <= x && $bankrand <= x && $pointsrand <= x){

then do query

else if ($strrand <= x && $defrand <= x && $spdrand >= x && $bankrand <= x && $pointsrand <= x){

then do query


because as you can see that could take forever... but i cant think of how i can do it.

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i don't understand where the 'x' comes into play...but would it help if you put them in an array and sorted them? that way $array[0] would give you the lowest and $array[4] would give you the highest?



i dont understand what you mean..


as for the X.. its just to show where a value is...


in my case


>= 21


<= 20

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We have no idea how these values relate to each other which makes it difficult to suggest any other alternatives. You should try to find a pattern if possible. It seems as if the whole logic behind ending up in this situation is the actual problem.

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these values dont relate to each other.


for example





dont relate to eachother....



all im doing is getting


$strrand = rand(1,100);



then echoing something if its >= 21 and something else if its <= 20.


but i wanna update the answers the a table..

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also in mysql how can i make it so the same row can store int and varchars?


You can have whatever columns you want in a table.  Each individual column can have it's own datatype.


Other than that, we don't really have enough information about this application to understand what you're trying to do, or suggest alternatives. 

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