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PHP powered version control


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Im interested in using a version control system for development.


Even though there's already software out there for this (CVS,SVN,GIT,Bazaar,Mercurial), they're no use to me if i can't use them on my shared host account due to my host not providing any of these or it costing extra.


It also must be private so sorceforge etc. isn't any good. Free version control hosts don't help either as their restrictions (amount of space, users, projects, etc.) don't meet my requirements.


So... is there a possible solution to all this like turning a mysql db into a version control system or php into one?


Also, i've heard that the version control systems use delta compression for diffs and saving space but putting this all together to make a version control system using, say, mysql is a bit worrying.


Any suggestions or better solutions would be appreciated.

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Why not just run SVN on your home computer? If you have a computer running linux, setting up SVN on it is pretty easy. I haven't tried it on windows (except as a client), but i would think it's possible.


Currently I have a new mac mini running a webserver and SVN, but I used to use an OLD desktop running Debian. I think it had 256MB of ram, and it ran everything fine.

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Yes i have thought of that but its a solution im trying to stay away from as i am no expert on preventing my system from getting hacked besides the obvious steps of keeping only the required ports open and not using root user etc.


It's a bigger risk to do that also because I'm an accountant where data security plays a big role on keeping my license. I can get into a lot of trouble if something bad were to happen.


Thanks anyway

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well, i am not aware of any PHP based version control (not a production one at least). you may be able to find one that some person wrote in their spare time, but i would bet you are WAY more prone to security problems with that versus SVN

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Yes that's true but at least its not on my system. I have searched many times for one but no one has made one (for obvious reasons).


Bazaar came close to being the solution as you can host the physical repository on a server and access it through http from a computer. The only problem was that you can't write to it, even through ftp.


If no one comes up with a better solution i guess i might have to host my own server using my second home phone line so i can keep the tax and repository systems separated.

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