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VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'


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Am working for this company who requested me to put up their old website up due to some problems with the new company. Unfortunately, I have never programmed in VBScript and this code is about 10 years old (from what they tell me), so I have zero comments to go by as the old company was kind enough not to write any in. I receive the error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime  error '800a01a8'


Object required: 'DatabaseConnectDefault'


/LM/W3SVC/41627477/Root/includes/ApplicationVariableRefresh.asp, line 7

I get that the object has to be initialized, however, I have no idea how or where. This is the ApplicationVariableRefresh page:

sub ApplicationVariableRefresh
	Application("WSCommerceInitialized") = "1"
	dim rs,Conn
	set conn = DatabaseConnectDefault
	if isObject(Conn) then
		set rs = conn.execute("sproc_ApplicationVariablesRetrieve")
		while not rs.eof 
			application(trim(rs("Name"))) = Trim(rs("Value").value)
	end if
end sub

From the error line, that would be the "set conn = DatabaseConnectDefault." Here is the database connection script:

function DatabaseConnectDefault
	dim Conn
	dim ConnectString
	dim SQLServer
	dim UserID
	dim Password
	dim Database

	SQLServer = "localhost"
    UserID   = "user"
	Password = "pass"
	Database = "database"

	ConnectString = "driver=SQL Server;server=" & SQLServer & ";uid=" & UserID & ";pwd=" & Password & ";database=" & Database & ";"
	on Error resume next
	Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	conn.connectiontimeout = 120
	conn.CommandTimeout = 120
	Conn.open ConnectString
	if err.number = 0 then
		set DatabaseConnectDefault = Conn
		DatabaseConnectDefault = NULL
	end if
		end function

function DatabaseConnect(SQLServer, UserID, Password, Database)
	dim Conn, ConnectString
	ConnectString = "driver=SQL Server;server=" & SQLServer & ";uid=" & UserID & ";pwd=" & Password & ";database=" & Database & ";"
	on Error resume next
	Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	conn.connectiontimeout = 120
	conn.CommandTimeout = 120
	Conn.open ConnectString
	if err.number = 0 then
		set DatabaseConnect = Conn
		DatabaseConnect = NULL
	end if
end function


If anyone has an idea or can help, I'd be very much obliged.  Thanks!

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A VBscript error 800a01a8 means that an illegal method was called.  After a careful read of your code, I think I found your problem.  In line 5, you initialized the variables 'rs' and 'Conn', yet in line 6, you set the value to 'conn'.  In line 7, you again refer to 'Conn'.  Thus, you've got an illegal object reference.  See if by changing the variable name in line 6, if you can get that error to go away.


If it doesn't work, I'll take a closer look.

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