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Ok im in a competition for the best register.php script, both secure customizable and bug free. So you may see a few more of these posts, sorry guys. :) You have a GOOD reputation of providing the answers I need 99% of the time when im having a blond moment.


So heres my question, Is there any easier way of listing all the years since 1900-2009 without typing and c&p. (Oh, and if so what is it, im sure its plainly simple as it seems like it is in my head but I just can't think of a way.)



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for a more dynamic approach (just playing on Crayon Violent's script):

$this_year = date("Y");
$last_year = $this_year - 1;
echo "<select name='year'>\n";
echo "\t<option value='$this_year' selected='selected'>$this_year</option>\n";
for ($x = $last_year;$x>=1900; $x--) {
  echo "\t<option value='$x'>$x</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";


remembered that most people have the most current year first. fixed the code to reflect that.

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well there isn't a foreach in any of the code examples posted.  But anyways, a foreach is actually pretty simple: You have an array and for each value (element) in the array, you execute the code.


$array = array('a','b','c');
foreach($array as $value) {
  // execute code here


So in that loop, $value represents the current element value.  So in the first iteration, $value == 'a', 2nd iteration, $value == 'b', etc...  if you need to know the element's key, you can do this:


$array = array('a','b','c');
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
  // execute code here


so on first iteration, $key == 0, 2nd iteration, $key == 1, etc...


You can read this tutorial for more info about foreach loops (and other loops in general):



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