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a little insight into this i am currently a director of a group of bg  tournaments that are played onlines and ran from hosts i managed to get  a person to help ke with the php coding and payed no attention to the database otherwise id have seen this problem coming sooner 

The structure

3 databases points  tourney report and emails  the  problem is is in all the code i need to keep recoords from previous months and  cant keep it  updating each month so  that at end of this month  i change from july to august in scripts and will then only show august points now the  problems i know where they are but i have no idea where to even start


problem 1 points  are being updated in database and not added  between multiple  entries ef  i  have me with 32 points  if i add in another entry of 12 points  it will still show as 1 entry  now what i understand i need to do is  to  have 2 entrys and have the php script add them where the conditions are met si that if i call on august it will only add the  players points  that were added in august




and 2nd problem is i need to have the script reply with post updated successfully  upon a successful post here is the php code i have


<style type="text/css">
Table {border-collapse:collapse; border-color:#000000; border-width:2px; cellpadding:3px;}
Table THEAD TD{background-color:#00FFFF; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold; font-size:larger;; padding:3px; border:1px solid black}
Table TR TD {padding:3px;border: 1px solid black}
	$sn = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
	mysql_connect(null, "havensd1_tourn", "z(:wI,VL91SL"); //Put login and password for mysql here. Replace null with mysql server address if provided by host.

	mysql_select_db("havensd1_tournaments") or die(mysql_error());//Put databasename here
	mysql_query("create table if not exists tourne_report (Host TEXT, Date_Time DATETIME, PlayersCount INT, Winner TEXT, WinnerEmail TEXT, SecondPlace TEXT, SecondEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace TEXT, ThirdEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace2 TEXT, ThirdEmail2 TEXT)");
	mysql_query("create table if not exists emails (PlayerName char(30) key not null, email TEXT)");
	mysql_query("create table if not exists points (PlayerName char(30) key not null, Points INT, Date_Time DateTime)");

if (isset ($_GET["act"]))
	if ($_GET["act"] == "erase")
		mysql_query("drop table tourne_report");
		mysql_query("drop table emails");
		mysql_query("drop table points");
		mysql_query("create table if not exists tourne_report (Host TEXT, Date_Time DATETIME, PlayersCount INT, Winner TEXT, WinnerEmail TEXT, SecondPlace TEXT, SecondEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace TEXT, ThirdEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace2 TEXT, ThirdEmail2 TEXT)");
		mysql_query("create table if not exists emails (PlayerName char(30) key not null, email TEXT)");
		mysql_query("create table if not exists points (PlayerName char(30) key not null, Points INT, Date_Time DateTime)");

	if ($_GET["act"] == "points")
			$i = 0;
			$d = date("Y-m-");
			$d .= "01 00:00:00";
			//$d = preg_replace("/-(\d+) /", "-01 ", $d);
			echo("Extracting data since $d<br/>");

			$r = mysql_query("select * from points where Date_Time > '$d' order by Points DESC");
			while ($v = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))

		<?//<a href="<?echo ($sn);?><?//">Back</a>?>

	if ($_GET["act"] == "emails")

			$r = mysql_query("select * from emails order by PlayerName ASC");
			while ($v = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))
				if ($v["PlayerName"] != "")

		<?//<a href="<?echo ($sn);?><?//">Back</a>?>

	if ($_GET["act"] == "toc")
			$d = date("Y-m-");
			$d .= "01 00:00:00";
			//$d = preg_replace("/-(\d+) /", "-01 ", $d);
			echo("Extracting data since $d<br/>");

			$i = 0;
			$all = array();
			$r = mysql_query("select * from tourne_report where Date_Time > '$d' order by Date_Time DESC");
			while ($v = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))

			if ($v["Winner"] != "")
					$all[] = $v["Winner"];
			if ($v["SecondPlace"] != "")
					$all[] = $v["SecondPlace"];
			if ($v["ThirdPlace"] != "")
					$all[] = $v["ThirdPlace"];
			if ($v["ThirdPlace2"] != "")
					$all[] = $v["ThirdPlace2"];
			$all = array_unique($all);
			foreach ($all as $k)
					if ($i == 3)
						$i = 0;


			while ($i != 3 && $i!=0)

		<?//<a href="<?echo ($sn);?><?//">Back</a>?>

	if ($_GET["act"] == "months")
		<!--<td>Nick</td> -->
		<td>#of players</td>
			$d = date("Y-m-");
			$d .= "01 00:00:00";
			//$d = preg_replace("/-(\d+) /", "-01 ", $d);
			echo("Extracting data since $d<br/>");
			$r = mysql_query("select * from tourne_report where Date_Time>'$d' order by Date_Time DESC");
			while ($v = mysql_fetch_assoc($r))

		<?//<a href="<?echo ($sn);?><?//">Back</a>?>


function not_2($var)

	if (count($var) != 2) return false;
	else return true;
if (isset($_POST["asfile"]))
	$file = $_POST["file"];
	$points = strstr($file, "START POINTS");
	$_POST["Points"] = $points;
	$file = explode("\n", $file);
	foreach ($file as $k)
		$lines[] = explode(":", $k, 2);
	$lines = array_filter($lines, "not_2");
	foreach ($lines as $value) 
		$value[0] = trim($value[0]);
		$value[1] = trim($value[1]);
		switch (strtolower($value[0])) {
				case "date": $_POST["At"] = $value[1];
				case "scheduled start": $_POST["AtTime"] = $value[1];
				case "host": $_POST["Host"] = $value[1];

				case "number of players": $_POST["PC"] = $value[1];
				case "1st place": $_POST["p1"] = $value[1];
				case "1st place email": $_POST["e1"] = $value[1];
				case "2nd place": $_POST["p2"] = $value[1];
				case "2nd place email": $_POST["e2"] = $value[1];
				case "3rd place":
						if (isset($_POST["p3"]))
							$_POST["p23"] = $value[1];
							$_POST["p3"] = $value[1];
				case "3rd place email": 				
						if (isset($_POST["e3"])) $_POST["e23"] = $value[1];
						else $_POST["e3"] = $value[1];
			$_POST["send"] = 1;

					$vars = array("At", "AtTime", "Host", "PC", "p1", "e1", "p2", "e2", "p3", "e3", "p23", "e23");
			foreach ($vars as $k)
				if (!isset($_POST[$k]))
					$_POST[$k] = "";

/*						echo("Here:<br>");

if (isset ($_POST["send"]))
	foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v)
		$$k = $v;
	//$d = explode(" ", $At);
	$dat = explode ("/",$At);
	if (count($dat)!=3) die("Bad date format.");
	$tim = explode(":", $AtTime);
	if (count($tim)<2) die("Bad time format.");
	$plus = 0;
	if (strstr(strtoupper($tim[1]), "PM"))
		$plus = 12;
	$h = $tim[0];
	$m = explode(" ", $tim[1]);
	$m = $m[0];
	$h+= $plus;
	$At = "${dat[2]}-${dat[0]}-${dat[1]} $h:$m:00";
//		echo("$At");
//		$d = strtotime($At);
	//$At = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $d);
	//echo("At: $At<br/>");
	//echo("At: $At<br/>");
	mysql_query("insert into tourne_report values ('$Host', '$At', $PC, '$p1', '$e1', '$p2', '$e2', '$p3', '$e3', '$p23', '$e23')") or die (mysql_error());
	$Points = explode("\n", $Points);
	mysql_query("insert ignore into emails values ('$p1', '$e1'),('$p2', '$e2'), ('$p3', '$e3'), ('$p23', '$e23')") or die (mysql_error());
	foreach ($Points as $v)
		if ($v == "") continue;
		$v = explode (" ", $v);
		if (count($v) != 2)
			die("Incorrect values in POINTS input (check spaces!)<br>");
		if (strstr(strtolower($v[1]), 'points')) continue;

		$r = mysql_query("insert into points values ('${v[0]}', ${v[1]}, '$At') on duplicate key update Points = Points + ${v[1]}");
		if (!$r) die (mysql_error());
<form method="POST" action="<?echo ($sn);?>">
Host:</td> <td><input type = "text" name = "Host" /></td><td>Host name</td>

Nick:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "Nick" /></td><td>Nick //What is it?</td> -->

Date: </td> <td><input type = "text" name = "At" /></td><td>In "MM/DD/YYYY" format</td>

Time: </td> <td><input type = "text" name = "AtTime" /></td><td>In "HH:MM A" format where A is either AM or PM</td>

PlayersCount:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "PC" /></td><td>Integer value</td>

Winner:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "p1" /></td><td>Winner name</td>

Winner's email: </td> <td><input type = "text" name = "e1" /></td><td>Winner email</td>

2nd place:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "p2" /></td><td>2nd name</td>

2nd place email:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "e2" /></td><td>2nd email</td>

3rd place:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "p3" /></td><td>3rd name</td>

3rd place email:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "e3" /></td><td>3rd email</td>

2_3rd place:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "p23" /></td><td>Second third place :-)</td>

2_3rd place email:</td> <td> <input type = "text" name = "e23" /></td><td>Second third place email</td>
<textarea name="Points" cols="30" rows="7"></textarea>
<input type = "submit" name="send" value="Send results"/>
<img src = "/Posting%20pOints.jpg" /> 
<form method="POST" action="<?echo ($sn);?>">
File contents:<br/>
<textarea name="file" cols="100" rows="20"></textarea><br/>
<input type="submit" name="asfile" value="Send a file" />
<a href = "<?echo ($sn);?>?act=points">Points</a><br>
<a href = "<?echo ($sn);?>?act=toc">Toc qualifiers</a><br>
<a href = "<?echo ($sn);?>?act=emails">Emails</a><br>
<a href = "<?echo ($sn);?>?act=months">Monthly report</a><br>
<?//<a href = "<?echo ($sn);?><?//?act=erase">ERASE</a><br>

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mysql_query("create table if not exists tourne_report (Host TEXT, Date_Time DATETIME, PlayersCount INT, Winner TEXT, WinnerEmail TEXT, SecondPlace TEXT, SecondEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace TEXT, ThirdEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace2 TEXT, ThirdEmail2 TEXT)");
      mysql_query("create table if not exists emails (PlayerName char(30) key not null, email TEXT)");
      mysql_query("create table if not exists points (PlayerName char(30) key not null, Points INT, Date_Time DateTime)");


These only need to be executed once (not on each and every request), put it in a separate file called install.php or something.


mysql_connect(null, "havensd1_tourn", "z(:wI,VL91SL");


This needs an actual value not null and store the value it returns you need it.


mysql_select_db("havensd1_tournaments") or die(mysql_error());//Put databasename here


Remove 'or die()' your visitors don't know what 'You have an error in your sql syntax near ..' means.


mysql_query("drop table tourne_report");
         mysql_query("drop table emails");
         mysql_query("drop table points");
         mysql_query("create table if not exists tourne_report (Host TEXT, Date_Time DATETIME, PlayersCount INT, Winner TEXT, WinnerEmail TEXT, SecondPlace TEXT, SecondEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace TEXT, ThirdEmail TEXT, ThirdPlace2 TEXT, ThirdEmail2 TEXT)");
         mysql_query("create table if not exists emails (PlayerName char(30) key not null, email TEXT)");
         mysql_query("create table if not exists points (PlayerName char(30) key not null, Points INT, Date_Time DateTime)");


He never heard of truncate, did he?


This script is seriously FUBAR (F***ed Up Beyond All Repair) Who the hell wrote this?



i was running tight on time and  payed for it to be done by a guy on  getafreelancer i  did it out of my pocket  to help the tournament hosts i cant afford to pay anyone to update it so i have to figure it out ots npn p[[rpfot website and  i have no clue where to even start but thank you for that help


i was running tight on time and  payed for it to be done by a guy on  getafreelancer i  did it out of my pocket  to help the tournament hosts i cant afford to pay anyone to update it so i have to figure it out ots npn p[[rpfot website and  i have no clue where to even start but thank you for that help



I am not entirely sure how getafreelancer works but I would file a complaint or ask my money back. Even if you modify this code you still would have a serious security problem not to mention a database overhead (drop table, create table).

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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