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whats wrong with this code it shows a blank page only


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i dont get error codes  i just get a blank page

what i am trying to get is the  string content of the <head> tag

what i want is 

<head>i want this part to show</head>  ---output page---> i want this part to show


nothing is showing on my out put page just a blank screen not even the word array is showing now



$html = file_get_contents("http://webpage.html");

$file = file_get_contents("http://webpage.html");

$x = (get_doc_title($file));








// retrieve page title

function get_doc_title($file){

    $h1tags = preg_match_all("/(?<=Purpose<head>).+?(?=<\/head>)/", $html, $patterns, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);

$res = array();



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no errors show up


there are no errors on the  output page

it is just a blank page


it refers to a html page  that has tags and nothing is showing up on the page

i am new to php programing

but the  error codes went away wheni made this code  but the array output  left also

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There are few logic issues here:


You're calling $res outside of the function scope, so the variable doesn't actually exist.


You're $html variable isn't being used.


You're trying to print an array where I assume you actually want to echo html.


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ok i did as  the guy said here is what errors showed up


Notice: Undefined variable: html in /var/www/net/helllooo.php on line 23


Notice: Undefined variable: res in /var/www/net/helllooo.php on line 15


Notice: Undefined variable: res in /var/www/net/helllooo.php on line 16


Notice: Undefined variable: res in /var/www/net/helllooo.php on line 17


23  $h1tags = preg_match_all("/(?<=Purpose<head>).+?(?=<\/head>)/", $html, $patterns, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);


lines 15  16  17









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Which makes sense because those variables are all out of scope (separated by the function).  Are you actually trying to do something like this?:


$file = file_get_contents("http://webpage.html");
$x = (get_doc_title($file));

echo $x;

// retrieve page title
function get_doc_title($file){
    $h1tags = preg_match_all("/(?<=Purpose<head>).+?(?=<\/head>)/", $file, $patterns, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
return $h1tags;

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my new code with output of zero  ( 0 )


the tagi am trying to grab text from is this

<title>Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most  In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region)</title>




ini_set('display_errors', 1);

ini_set('log_errors', 1);

ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');





$file = file_get_contents("http://xxxxxxxxxx.html");

$x = (get_doc_title($file));


echo $x;



// retrieve page title

function get_doc_title($file){

    $h1tags = preg_match_all("/(?<=Purpose<title>).+?(?=<\/title>)/", $file, $patterns, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);

return $h1tags;



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the tagi am trying to grab text from is this

<title>Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most  In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region)</title>

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oh  ok maybe i was not clear i am trying to print the  information between the tags


the html page  has a title  but i want to  grab the string between the title  on the source page

and then print is in my output



you get a free book if this works

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here is the html code from the page i am trying to grab from




<title> Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most  In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region)</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most  In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region), ISBN 1569520011, ">

<meta name="Keywords" content="1569520011, Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most  In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region),  compare book prices, book price comparison">

<meta content="index,follow" name="Robots">




i am trying to grab the string between tags  and not anoutput of  if it finds or not

i hope i am making  myself clear on this

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very good man


getting closer here is my output now


string(190) " Switzerland and the Alpine Region, 1994: The Most In-Depth Guide to the Beauty and Majesty of Switzerland and the Alpine Region (Fielding's Switzerland and the Alpine Region)"


how do i get  rid of the string(190)  comment?


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Yeah well the var_dump() -function is a good tool to debug your code and it will print the type of the variable, in this case it is string, length of the string and the string itself. So you have to put the match found by the regexp into variable or echo or do whatever you want with it..


$myVariable = $matches[1][0];
echo $myVariable;

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i found something better that works thanks to your help

but my last  thing is to  use a minus  in echo

i have set words i want to subtract out of an echo statement

i will need to research this and then i am done


echo $x-(a word phrase)    not sure if i can do this but has to be a way



$file = file_get_contents("http://website.html");

$x = (get_doc_title($file));

echo $x;


// retrieve page title

function get_doc_title($file){

    $h1tags = preg_match_all('/<title>(.*)<\/title>/', $file, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);




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