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I am trying to make a script to read the latest news,from a website and email me.You need to be logged in to read the news,but the news website has http://recaptcha.net/,plus i have no clue how to auto login.I am thinking to copy the cache,after i login once,with my browser.Could someone please push me to something.I want to stay logged in. :-[

What code do you need ?


I can login sending the form to login.php using


 <input type="hidden" name="something" value="somthing" />


Captcha is the main problem.


Have you read the re-captcha manual? http://recaptcha.net/plugins/php/



Here is the form.


<form method="post" action="takelogin.php">
<p><b>You have 6 remaining tries</b></p><table border="0">
<tr><td class=row>Username:</td><td align=left><input type="text" size=40 name="username" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class=row>Password:</td><td align=left><input type="password" size=40 name="password" /></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center colspan=2><script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.recaptcha.net/challenge?k=6Ld_RdEBBBBBBJdp9c86kmyFjaZFEiEL0ZZ-P4lo"></script>


And here is what I'm trying to do.


<form method="post" action="http://www.xxx.org/takelogin.php">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="Someusername" />
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="Somepasswod" />
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="mangers blindness" />
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_challenge_field" value="028dTJSzoB6uJubVwu5naeDU6JKetZsTVV-zTdIYykeIVto_94ozFs5n6WeaBY7OXNh6Caqk7PRnWyE-nGBG8QlST6j0pqZGneD9FckiFGs0D_9m0hvh1T5U9GnL0vvugIN4cDS7YE9trS3-_JOC7a6WCDDldQAGgostWHo3cj_rH8IeIjSN3Wj2DJwT6Ss2j6TaXKa57ZPUvuFg_cpoehPGGj6ev6K2B59__V4V3Cm85603uj5djhuWOse_BX0zThwfLm6CLNiqHi4f62u_hTf6-9n1wB"/>


But I get nothing,but a blank page,as an output.Any suggestions ?

http://www.xxx.org/takelogin.php <- lol


jokes aside...



you're trying to make a script to auto log you on to a website, no?

and it has captcha, no?


then after you're logged in do the boring stuff like get the news etc etc...





It CAN be done, but it's not easy... also it's not entirely autonomous


I managed to make one to "auto login" to vbulletin to spam a forum.. but that's another story :P


basically... you've got to interrupt the login script at captcha image, output the captcha to the browser then you have to MANUALLY enter the captcha text then send the request back to the server...


I can't remember how to do it, also I coded it in PERL... But  could dig out the script and refresh me memory... IF i am correct in assuming this is what you want to do?


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