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addin form field by ajax


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Hi all, I download this contact form script, and I want to add an extra field, I cant find how! and I cant find how to take out the Default value of one of the field "http://"


here is the setting file:

var contactformenabled = true; // enable or disable ContactForm.JS - "true" or "false"

var contactformroot = 'Scripts'; // scripts root folder

var contactformskin = 'WeMakeSites' // reservation form skin

var contactformwidth = '480'; // reservation form width


/* input settings */

var rounded_corners_enabled = true; // enable or disable rounded corners for input boxes - "true" or "false"

var inputs_width = '280'; // enable or disable rounded corners for input boxes

var comments_box_height = '100'; // height of the "comments" textbox

var dropdowns_width = '200'; // width of the dropdowns

var dropdownheight = '100'; // height of the dropdowns list boxes

var messagemaxlength = '256'; // max length of the message box. use "auto" if there is no max length


/* text string strings */

var contact_form_name_label = 'Insira seu Nome'; // person's first name label

var contact_form_email_label = 'Insira seu Email'; // email label

var contact_form_website_label = 'Insira seu Telefone'; // person's last name label

var contact_form_cidade_label = 'Insira sua Cidade'; // person's last name label

var message_label = 'Mensagem'; // additional notes label

var submit_form_button_text = 'Enviar'; // "submit" button text

var contact_form_submitted = 'Mensagem enviado com sucesso, Obrigado'; // message that will be displayed when the reservation form has been processed

var new_security_code_label = 'Novo codigo'; // "create new security code" string

var security_code_instructions = 'Por favor, insira o codigo'; // security code instrucions that can contain HTML


/* "where did you hear about us" dropdown */

var where_did_you_hear_about_us_label = 'Escolha Produto';

var where_did_you_hear_about_us_please_select = 'Escolha...';

var where_did_you_hear_about_us_array = new Array('SBOX Colheita', 'SBOX Plantio', 'SBOX Lightbar(Barra)', 'SBOX Pulverização', 'Monitor Plantio F-20', 'Medidor de Umidade H-10');


/* "country" dropdown */

var your_country_label = 'Estado';

var your_country_label_please_select = where_did_you_hear_about_us_please_select;

var countries_list = new Array('Parana','Mato Grosso');


/* which inputs will be visible */

var inpt_name = true; // name input  - "true" or "false"

var inpt_email = true; // email input - "true" or "false"

var inpt_website = true; // website input - "true" or "false"

var where_did_you_hear_about_us_input_enabled = true; // where did you hear about us dropdown - "true" or "false"

var countries_input_enabled = true; // where are you from dropdown - "true" or "false"

var comments_enabled = true; // comments input - "true" or "false"


/* which inputs will validate and antispam settigs */

var disable_after_submit = true; // disable the submit button after the form has been sent - "true" or "false"

var antispam_enabled = true; // is antispam security form code enabled - "true" or "false"

var val_name = true; // name input  - "true" or "false"

var val_email = true; // email input - "true" or "false"

var val_website = true; // website input - "true" or "false"

var val_where_did_you_hear_about_us = true; // where did you hear about us dropdown - "true" or "false"

var val_countries_input = true; // where are you from dropdown - "true" or "false"

var val_comments = true; // comments input - "true" or "false"


/* modal overlay and "submitting form" message */

var modalOverlayBackground = '#000'; // modal overlay background color

var modalOverlayOpacity = '3' // model overlay opacity rate (0-9)

var loadingMessageFontProperties = 'normal 16px "Segoe UI", "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Serif'; // font properties of the "posting entry" text

var loadingMessage = 'Enviando o mensagem...'; // "posting entry text"

var loadingMessageWidth = '300'; // width of the "posting entry" box

var loadingMessageHeight = '42'; // height of the "posting entry" box

var loadingMessageRoundedCornerTopLeft = yes; // rounded top left corner of the "posting entry" box -  "yes" or "no"

var loadingMessageRoundedCornerTopRight = yes; // rounded top right corner of the "posting entry" box -  "yes" or "no"

var loadingMessageRoundedCornerBottomRight = yes; // rounded bottom right corner of the "posting entry" box -  "yes" or "no"

var loadingMessageRoundedCornerBottomLeft = yes; // rounded bottom left corner of the "posting entry" box -  "yes" or "no"


/* do not edit these two */

var yes = true;

var no = false;




here is the JS file

eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function©{return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e©]=k[c]||e©;k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e©+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('2 24={};2 38=1j;2 39=1b;2 3a=1j;2 3b=1b;2 3c=1L;2 3d=1L;2 3e=\'1k\';2 3f=\'1x/\';2 3g=1L;2 3h=1j;24.3i=w(){8(1c.1M){1c.1M(\'3j\',w(a){1N()},A)}8(1c.1O){1c.1P(\'3k\',w(a){1N()})}};2 1d=A;w 1N(){8(!3l){y A}2 a=/25|26 6/.27(1e.1y);8(a){$3(\'J\').H=[\'<p>3m 3n 3o 3p 3q 3r 3s 28 <29>2a 2b 6</29></p>\'+\'<p>3t 3u a 3v, 3w 3x a 3y 3z.</p>\'];y A}1Q(1b+\'/15.17/1x/J.1z\');1Q(1b+\'/15.17/3A/\'+1j+\'/3B.1z\');2 b=$3(\'J\');2 c=$1l(\'3C\');c.18(\'S\',\'V\');c.3D=\'3E\';b.x=\'J 3F\'+1j;b.v.W=3G+\'I\';c.H=[\'<z 9=3H">\'+\'<z 9="3I">3J 3K 3L</z>\'+\'<z 9="3M">3N</z>\'+\'<z>\'+\'<1A K="3O-3P">\'+\'<F 9="2c"><C T="1m">\'+1m+\'</C><X v="W: \'+1B+\'I;" L="\'+1m+\'" M="N" 9="1m" S="1R" 1n="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';" t="" /><u 9="2d" K="D">&1a;</u></F>\'+\'<F 9="2e"><C T="1o">\'+1o+\'</C><X v="W: \'+1B+\'I;" L="\'+1o+\'" M="N" 9="1o" S="1C" 1n="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';" t="" /><u 9="2f" K="D">&1a;</u></F>\'+\'<F 9="2g"><C T="Z">\'+Z+\'</C><X v="W: \'+1B+\'I;" L="\'+Z+\'" M="N" 9="Z" t="O://" S="Z" 1n="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';" /><u 9="2h" K="D">&1a;</u></F>\'+\'<F 9="2i"><C T="11">\'+11+\'</C>\'+\'<u><!-- / --></u><1p S="11" 9="11" v="W: \'+2j+\'I;" 2k="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';"><1f t="0" 1D="1D">\'+3Q+\'</1f></1p><u><!-- / --></u><u 9="2l" K="D">&1a;</u>\'+\'</F>\'+\'<F 9="2m"><C T="13">\'+13+\'</C>\'+\'<u><!-- / --></u><1p S="13" 9="13" v="W: \'+2j+\'I;" 2k="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';"><1f t="0" 1D="1D">\'+3R+\'</1f></1p><u><!-- / --></u><u 9="2n" K="D">&1a;</u>\'+\'</F>\'+\'<F 9="2o">\'+\'<C T="P">\'+P+\'</C>\'+\'<1q v="W: \'+1B+\'I; 2p: 1k; 1r: \'+3S+\'I;" L="\'+P+\'" 9="P" S="P" 3T="10" 3U="5" 1n="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\'; y 2q(Y);"></1q><u 9="2r" K="D">&1a;</u>\'+\'</F>\'+\'</1A>\'+\'</z>\'+\'<z 9="2s">\'+\'<z>\'+\'<p>\'+3V+\'</p>\'+\'<C T="1S" 1T="1E" v="2t: 3W;">\'+\'<u 9="1g" 1T="1E">\'+1s()+\'</u>\'+\'<u 9="1U" 1T="1E">\'+\'<3X W="3Y" 1r="48" 3Z="\'+1b+\'/15.17/1x/40.41" />\'+\'</u>\'+\'</C>\'+\'<X M="N" 9="1S" 2u="4" 42="4" 1n="$3(Y.9 + \\\'19\\\').x = \\\'D\\\';" />\'+\'<u 9="1F" K="D">&1a;</u>\'+\'<p K="1G-43-44"><a 1V="45:46(0)" L="\'+1W+\'" 2v="2w();" L="1W">\'+1W+\'</a></p>\'+\'</z>\'+\'</z>\'+\'<z K="47-49">\'+\'<u><!-- / --></u><X M="2x" t="\'+4a+\'" 9="1H" 2v="2y();" /><u><!-- / --></u>\'+\'<u 9="2z">\'+4b+\'</u>\'+\'</z>\'+\'<z 9="1d" v="2A: 2B !B; 4c: #4d !B; 2C-2u: 4e !B; 4f-1r: 4g !B; 2C-4h: 4i !B; 1X: 0 !B; 4j: 0 !B; 1h: 1I !B; U: 4k !B; N-4l: 0 !B; 2t: 4m !B; 4n: 0 0 0 0 !B; 4o: 0 0 0 0 !B; N-4p: 4q !B; 2p: 1Y !B;">4r 28 a 2D 2E 2F <a 1V="O://2G.2H.2I/?2J=J" 4s="4t" L="15.17 1.0" v="2A: 2B !B;">15.17 1.0</a></z>\'+\'<z v="U: 14;">\'+\'<X M="N" 9="2K" S="2K" t="\'+1s()+1s()+\'" />\'+\'<1q 9="2L" S="2L">4u 4v 4w 4x 4y...</1q>\'+\'<X M="2x" 9="2M" />\'+\'</z>\'+\'</z>\];b.1t©;$3(\'1g\').L=$3(\'1g\').H;$3(\'1U\').L=$3(\'1g\').H;8(1Z){T(2 k=0;k<2N.2O;k++){2 d=$3(\'11\');2 f=2N[k];2 g=$1l(\'1f\');g.18(\'t\',f);g.H=f;d.1t(g)}}8(20){T(2 l=0;l<2P.2O;l++){2 h=$3(\'13\');2 i=2P[l];2 j=$1l(\'1f\');j.18(\'t\',i);j.H=i;h.1t(j)}}8(1d){$3(\'1d\').H=\'\'}8(!2Q){$3(\'2s\').v.U=\'14\'}4z();4A();8(20){2 m=$3(\'4B\').1J(\'1A\')[0].v;m.1r=2R+\'I\';m.2S=\'1k\'}Q{$3(\'2m\').v.U=\'14\'}8(1Z){2 n=$3(\'4C\').1J(\'1A\')[0].v;n.1r=2R+\'I\';n.2S=\'1k\'}Q{$3(\'2i\').v.U=\'14\'}8(!2T){$3(\'2c\').v.U=\'14\'}8(!1i){$3(\'2e\').v.U=\'14\'}8(!1K){$3(\'2g\').v.U=\'14\'}8(!2U){$3(\'2o\').v.U=\'14\'}8(4D){4E();8(1e.2V==\'4F\'){2 o=G.1J(\'2W\')[0];2 p=[\'.J.21 X[M=N],\'+\'.J.21 1q\'+\'{\'+\'4G: 0 !B;\'+\'}\'+\'.J.21 #1F\'+\'{\'+\'1X: -4H;\'+\'}\'];2 q=$1l(\'v\');q.18(\'M\',\'N/1z\');o.1t(q);q.H=p}2 r=1e.1y.2X().1u(\'4I\')>0;2 s=1e.1y.2X().1u(\'4J\')>-1;8(r||s){$3(\'1F\').v.1X=\'-12\'+\'I\'}}2Y(\'1H\');1v(w(e){4K();4L(\'1H\')},4M);8(1c.1O){1v(w(e){$3(\'2M\').4N()},4O)}}w 2w(){2 a=$3(\'1g\');2 b=$3(\'1U\');a.v.1h=\'1Y\';b.v.1h=\'1Y\';a.H=1s();b.L=a.H;1v(w(){a.v.1h=\'1I\';b.v.1h=\'1I\'},50)}w 1s(){y(((1+4P.4Q())*4R)|0).4S(16).2Z(1)}w 4T(a,b,c){2 d;8(1c.1P){d=\'1E\'+b;$3(a).1P(d,c)}Q{$3(a).1M(b,c,A)}}w $1l(a){y G.30(a)}w $3(a){y G.4U(a)}w 1Q(a){2 b=G.30(\'4V\');b.18(\'M\',\'N/1z\');b.18(\'4W\',\'4X\');b.18(\'1V\',a);G.1J(\'2W\')[0].1t(b)}w 2y(){2 a=$3(\'1m\');2 b=$3(\'1o\');2 c=$3(\'Z\');2 d=$3(\'P\');2 e=$3(\'2d\');2 f=$3(\'2f\');2 g=$3(\'2h\');2 h=$3(\'2r\');2 i=b.t.4Y(\'@\');8(a.t==\'\'&&4Z&&2T){e.x+=\' E\';a.R();y A}8(b.t==\'\'&&1w&&1i){f.x+=\' E\';b.R();y A}8(b.t.1u(\'@\')<0&&1w&&1i){f.x+=\' E\';b.R();y A}8(i[0]==\'\'&&1w&&1i){f.x+=\' E\';b.R();y A}8(i[1]==\'\'&&1w&&1i){f.x+=\' E\';b.R();y A}8(b.t.1u(\'.\')<0&&1w&&1i){f.x+=\' E\';b.R();y A}8(d.t==\'\'&&51&&2U){h.x+=\' E\';D.R();y A}8($3(\'11\').t==\'0\'&&52&&1Z){$3(\'2l\').x+=\' E\';y A}8($3(\'13\').t==\'0\'&&53&&20){$3(\'2n\').x+=\' E\';y A}8(c.t==\'O://\'&&22&&1K){g.x+=\' E\';c.R();y A}8(c.t==\'\'&&22&&1K){g.x+=\' E\';c.R();y A}8(c.t.1u(\'O://\')<0&&22&&1K){g.x+=\' E\';c.R();y A}31()}w 31(){8(2Q){2 a=$3(\'1g\');2 b=$3(\'1S\');2 c=$3(\'1F\');8(b.t==\'\'||b.t!=a.H){c.x+=\' E\';b.1p()}Q{23()}}Q{23()}}w 54(a){1v(w(){32(a,\'55-56\')},57)}w 32(a,b){2 c=1G 58((b+"\\s?"),"i");a.x=a.x.33(c,"").33(/^\\s?|\\s?$/g,"")}w 34(){2 a;2 b=1e.2V;8(b=="35 2a 2b"){a=1G 1O("35.59")}Q{a=1G 5a()}y a}2 O=34();w 23(){2 a=/25|26 7/.27(1e.1y);2 b=\' 5b 36 a 2D 2E 2F 15.17 ( O://2G.2H.2I/?2J=J ) 5c 36 5d 5e.\';8(!a){2 c=G.V.1C.t;2 d=G.V.1R.t;2 f=G.V.13.t;8(!1d){2 g=G.V.P.t+b}Q{2 g=G.V.P.t}2 h=G.V.Z.t;2 i=G.V.11.t}Q{2 c=$3(\'1C\').t;2 d=$3(\'1R\').t;2 f=$3(\'13\').t;8(!1d){2 g=$3(\'P\').t+b}Q{2 g=$3(\'P\').t}2 h=$3(\'Z\').t;2 i=$3(\'11\').t}2 j=d;O.5f(\'3\',1b+\'/15.17/1x/J.5g?5h=\'+g+\'&1C=\'+c+\'&5i=\'+j+\'&5j=\'+f+\'&5k=\'+h+\'&5l=\'+i);O.5m=w(){8(O.5n==4){1v(w(e){5o();$3(\'2z\').v.1h=\'1I\'},5p)}Q{5q()}};O.5r(5s);8(5t){2Y(\'1H\')}}w 2q(a){8(37!=\'1k\'){a.t=a.t.2Z(0,37)}}',62,340,'||var|get|||||if|id||||||||||||||||||||value|span|style|function|className|return|div|false|important|label|RequiredField|RequiredFieldVisible|li|document|innerHTML|px|ContactFormJs|class|title|type|text|http|message_label|else|focus|name|for|display|contactform|width|input|this|contact_form_website_label||where_did_you_hear_about_us_label||your_country_label|none|ContactForm||JS|setAttribute|










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I'm guessing you don't have permission either...

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just an FYI...


that script is easy to make readable..




download it there....


in the js files it says eval(function.... blah blah blah..


remove the eval( bit, infront of it and remove the last ) and copy..


Copy this to lol.html or something.. and paste in the code form above invetween var = code = and ; WITHOUT QUOTES


<script language="javascript">

var code = ;  // put code here without quotes

function savefile( f ) {
f = f.elements;  //  reduce overhead

var w = window.frames.w;
if( !w ) {
  w = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
  w.id = 'w';
  w.style.display = 'none';
  document.body.insertBefore( w );
  w = window.frames.w;
  if( !w ) {
   w = window.open( '', '_temp', 'width=100,height=100' );
   if( !w ) {
    window.alert( 'Sorry, could not create file.' ); return false;

var d = w.document,
  ext = f.ext.options[f.ext.selectedIndex],
  name = f.filename.value.replace( /\//g, '\\' ) + ext.text;

d.open( 'text/plain', 'replace' );
d.charset = ext.value;
d.write( code );

if( d.execCommand( 'SaveAs', null, name ) ){
  window.alert( name + ' has been saved.' );
} else {
  window.alert( 'The file has not been saved.\nIs there a problem?' );
return false;  //  don't submit the form

<form action="#" onsubmit="return savefile(this);">
<fieldset><legend>Ignore this text, it doesn't matter.. I CBA to edit this script properly...</legend>
<textarea name="txt" rows="10" cols="80" title=" Text edit area - Alt+Z " accesskey="z">Just click save...</textarea>
<input type="submit" class="key" value=" Save " title=" Save - Alt+S " accesskey="s"/>
<label for="filename" title=" Filename - Alt+A ">As</label>
<input type="text" class="it" size="40" id="filename" name="filename" value="C:\My Documents\filename" accesskey="a"/>
<select name="ext" title=" Extension ">
<option value="utf-8" selected="selected">.txt</option>
<input type="button" class="key" value=" Unnull " title=" Remove null bytes - Alt+U " accesskey="u" onclick="this.form.elements.txt.value = unnull( this.form.elements.txt.value );"/>
<input type="reset" class="key" value=" Reset " title=" Reset the form to its initial state - Alt+R " accesskey="r"/></div></fieldset>

then _OPEN THIS FILE IN IE, IT DOES NOT WORK OTHERWISE_ click save and save it as a .txt file


open up that text file and copy the contents....


open up the .js file it was generated from and REPLACE THAT OBFUSCATED STUFF with the new stuff....


repeat for all js files...


edit the contactform.js file to remove the http:// bit


add new stuff






IF ANYONE DELETES THIS POST, YOU SHOULDN'T... this information is a guide.. it's only "illegal" to do it :P

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dont hate me...

When you say

remove the eval( bit, infront of it and remove the last ) and copy..

in the example i gave you...should be: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function©{return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))

or its all the code?


In the contactform.js i look everywhere for the http// ( as the defaul value of website) but I couldnt find it!

do you have paypal? send me and email and i will pay you to do it...the guy who did the code, didnt answer my emails....I was willing to pay something(not much :P ) for 1 extra field , that is all i need!

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