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What I do is have my website in 3 parts shall we say

Header and nav

Body / Content


The header and nav does not include the doctype, html headers, but I suppose you can. My way

header/nav file contains the header and navigation of your website (page banner and side nav for example) all which shows in body tags

The footer shows the footer

then content is like

This is the body of that page


//Edit, only changed <? to <?php
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the pages would have to be php as you are using php code (unless you have your mimes set up)

but each page you make, use the same layout.

This means if you want to change the header, add a link in the nav, or change your footer, you edit one file, and all pages are updated, as all the pages are reading the information from that one file
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Is that the same as having seperate .html files and including <!-- Start and End Comment Blocks --> Where you want to insert your php code? I understand that.  What I don't quite get is how the .php file knows when to insert itself into the .html template.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.  Thanks
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Yeah I understand this much, from what I have learned about templates so far, is to have seperate template.html files set up as such :
<!-- START MainBody -->
This is the body of that page

<!-- END MainBody -->
Then to have your file.php to call the code within the template between the comment blocks, however I don't know how it does it?

This way I can say :
If userID = foo then display baa
else display foobaa

Any Pointers?
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it seems we're not speaking the same language?! ???

what exactly do you mean by template?  If you mean a page with basic structure that is shared among many pages, but with some places for page-specific data within, it'll be something like this

top of page shared by all pages

a bit of data unique to page

middle of page shared by all pages

more data unique to page

bottom of page shared by all pages

what you do actually, instead of creating one template page, is create separate template pages for the parts that are shared by all pages, e.g. top.htm, middle.htm, and bottom.htm. 

then each page in your site will be a .php page that looks something like this:
        //code to generate output unique to this page
        //code to generate more output unique to this page
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This Guy here [url=http://forums.invisionpower.com/lofiversion/index.php/t198295.html]bfarber[/url] knows what I was trying to explain.

That way you would only need one file for the top, middle and bottom and call the parts at seperate intervals.

In theory one can also have a main bit of template also included that for intance has buttons to view reports, but with them labled like so in the html template:

<!-- START Administrator -->
<a href='superReport.php'>superReport</a>
<!-- START Accounts -->
<a href='accountsReport.php'>accountsReport</a>
<!-- START Sales -->
<a href='salesReport.php'>salesReport</a>
<!-- END Sales -->
<!-- END Accounts -->
<!-- END Administrator -->

Now in your php file have this :


function whoReport()

if {

userType => 3 // 3 = Administrator
$this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper'] = str_replace( "<!-- START Administrator -->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->adminReport(), $this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper']);

} else if {

userType => 2 // 2 = Accounts
$this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper'] = str_replace( "<!-- START Accounts -->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->accountsReport(), $this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper']);

} else {

userType => 1 // 1 = Sales
$this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper'] = str_replace( "<!-- START Sales -->" , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_global']->salesReport(), $this->ipsclass->template['_wrapper']);



Along those lines, please note that code won't work.  But you can see what I am trying to do now I hope.  But if someone does know how to do this properly can they help me out, thanks.
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