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I have the following code to which I need to add an image on the left, below the text shown on the immediate top left and a comment field on the right.

$NumMembersServed = 123;
$NumTicketsIssued =3210;
$Event = $EventName = "Alfred Test";
$Datum = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$MemberNum = "1234567890";
<title> Ticket Issue </title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="js/TicketIssueFunctions.js"></script>
<body { column-count: 3 }>
<form name = 'GetData' id='GetData' method='post'>
<h2>Ticket Status for <?php echo $EventName ?><br /><font size=-1> as at <?php echo $Datum ?></font></h2>
<DIV style="position:absolute; top:20px; left:10px; width:300px">
<font color=black>Issuing Member Number <?php echo $NumMembersServed ?> <br/>
Tickets Issued = <?php echo $NumTicketsIssued ?></font>
<table border=1 frame=box cellpadding=3 align=center width=300>
<tr><td><input type=hidden name="EventID" id="EventID" value="<?php echo $Event ?>"></td></tr>
<tr><td width=120 align=right>Event:</td>
<td width=180 ><?php echo $EventName ?></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Member No:</td>
<td><input type=text readonly name="CardNumber" id="CardNumber" value ='<?php echo $MemberNum ?>'</td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right>Member Name :</td>
<td id="MemberName"><?php echo $Naam ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right>Slots tickets :</td>
<td width=190 id="SlotsValue"><?php echo $SlotsTickets ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right>Tables tickets :</td>
<td width=190 id="TablesValue"><?php echo $TableTickets ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right style="border-bottom: solid">Total Earned :</td>
<td width=190 style="border-bottom: solid" id="Earned"><?php echo $Earned ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right style="border-bottom: solid">Bonus tickets :</td>
<td width=190 style="border-bottom: solid" id="BonusValue"><?php echo $BonusTickets ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right style="border-bottom: solid">Total Tickets:</td>
<td width=190 style="border-bottom: solid" id="Total"><?php echo $TotalValue ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right style="border-bottom: solid">Tickets Issued :</td>
<td width=190 style="border-bottom: solid" id="IssuedValue"><?php echo $IssuedValue ?></td></tr>
<tr><TD width=110 align=right>Outstanding :</td>
<td width=190 id="OutstandingValue"><?php echo $OutstandingValue ?></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="black">
    <td align=center colspan=3 name=ErrorMessage id=ErrorMessage><font color=red size=4><?php echo $response ?></font></td>
<tr bgcolor="black">
    <td align=center colspan=3 name=CommentMessage id=CommentMessage><font color=lime size=4><?php echo $Comment ?></font></td>

<br />
<!-- <A HREF=TI4-2.php?EventTable=<?php echo $Event ?> ><IMG SRC="images/Clear.png" BORDER="0"></A> -->
<A HREF=TI4-2.php?SelectedEvent=<?php echo $Event ?> ><IMG SRC="images/Clear.png" BORDER="0"></A>
<a href=Administration.php?Diva=<?php echo rand() ?> ><img src=images/Back.png border=0></a>
if ($ManualTicketIssue == 0) // this means that tickets are issued manually not scanned
    if (($OutstandingValue > 0) && ($MayIssue == 1))
        echo "<a href=TI4-4.php?EventID=$Event><img src=images/Issue.png border=0 id='Issue' name='Issue' value='Issue'>";
        echo '<input type=image img src=images/IssueNot.png border=0 id="Issue" name="Issue" value="Issue">';
    if (($OutstandingValue > 0) && ($MayIssue == 1))
        echo "<a href=TI6SCAN-4.php?EventID=$Event><img src=images/Issue.png border=0 id='Issue' name='Issue' value='Issue'>";
        echo '<input type=image img src=images/IssueNot.png border=0 id="Issue" name="Issue" value="Issue">';
<!-- <A HREF="javascript: void 0" ONCLICK="window.print();return false;"><IMG SRC="images/Print.png" BORDER="0"></A> -->
<a href="./TI6SCAN-5.php?"><img src=images/Print.png border=0></a>
<!-- <?php require_once ("includes/tail.inc"); ?> -->
<script type="text/javascript">

Obviously the php part of this has been hacked to make my life easier. In other words there is quite a lot more php in the working version but to simplify the issue I have hard coded values into some variables.

Please suggest the correct way of effectively turning this into a 3 column doc.

Column one containing the extreme top left comments & below that an image

Column two containing the existing table

and Column three containing the comments that now appear at the bottom of the existing table.

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