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Help setting up tables


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Alright on my site I will be giving reviews, screen shots, and walkthroughs on games (yes its a game site). Not every game review will have screen shot or walkthroughs, but on the other side they could also have multiples of both. I'm trying to make my review pages dynamically change based on the review id giving. My question is, using the lest amount of tables what would be the best way to organize mysql tables.


for example should I have one table that holds all the reviews? but then how would I store the URL to the screenshots or walkthroughs (if there are any) or should each review get its own table.


if I have not explained myself well enough or I gave to little information I will be happy to give more.



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No, each review should not make a new table for every single review.  Think of each table as a category (or even genre).  Inside your table, you can have fields such as name, features (# of players, type, online play, etc.), rating, etc (you can make this your main table since each game will have to be here and have exactly 1 entry).  Another table, you can dedicate to provided screenshots and/or links.  Another can have user comments on the game (with name, datetime, comments, and whatnot).


You can link all the tables by using something like an ID (which can be your key on the main table).  If you add something for World of Warcraft, give an ID 0, for Gears of War 2, give an ID 1, for DDR, give ID 2 (or whatever numbering system you want, you can set it to autoincrement on your main table).  For other tables, like for screenshots, have a field for ID and another field for screenshot.  For each ID X you find, make it output screenshot Y(along with any HTML or PHP you may need for formatting).

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