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[SOLVED] Date format


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I have a query - "UPDATE 'table' SET 'column' = '$_POST['date']' WHERE ........"


But the date is in DD-MM-YYYY format. What's the best way to convert my dates to YYYY-MM-DD format before it goes into the DB?


I know how to convert them when they're coming OUT of the DB, just not when they're going IN.


Thanks :)



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Ohhh, well I got the date in the correct format. It writes to the DB, but as 2036-04-21 which isn't right.. I used this:


UPDATE `smail` SET `estimatedDelivery` = '" . date("Y-m-d",strtotime($_POST['estimatedDelivery'][$i])) . "' WHERE `psNumber` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id'][$i]) . "'";


Trial and error seems to be getting me somewhere.. slowly

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Yes, the values in $_POST['date'] are definitely 00-00-0000 format.


Would this work:


$string = explode('-',$_POST['estimatedDelivery']);
$string = array_reverse($string);
$string = implode('-',$string);


Then in the update query substitute

"UPDATE `smail` SET `estimatedDelivery` = '" . $_POST['estimatedDelivery'][$i] . "' WHERE ...


"UPDATE `smail` SET `estimatedDelivery` = '" . $string[$i] . "' WHERE ...


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There is so many ways of doing this... heres one

$oldDate = '30-07-2009';
list($day, $month, $year) = explode('-', $oldDate);
$newDate = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
echo $newDate; // 2009-07-30 


EDIT: OOpps.. didnt read all messages posted here, this is quite the same as already mentioned...

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You just have to remember that $_POST['estimatedDelivery'] is an array. Just reformat the date in the for loop from your previous thread:


$count = count($_POST['estimatedDelivery']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
   $date = implode('-', array_reverse(explode('-', $_POST['estimatedDelivery'][$i])));
   $sql2 = "UPDATE `smail` SET `estimatedDelivery` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($date) . "' WHERE `estimatedDelivery` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id'][$i]) . "'";

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When I use print_r ($date); to see what is in that array, it only gives me one date even though $_POST['estimatedDelivery'] contains about 20 dates.


When I run the code you gave me, no changes are made in the DB at all.


Bah, this is like the last line I need to complete the program and i've spent about 2 days on it :(

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Why dont you do print_r($_POST['estimateDelivery']); and paste the results in here, then we can surely show the right way when we know the contents we are dealing with. Or maybe not the whole content if it is large, but some data from the beginning atleast to describe the structure of the array and the data in it.

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Why dont you do print_r($_POST['estimateDelivery']); and paste the results in here, then we can surely show the right way when we know the contents we are dealing with. Or maybe not the whole content if it is large, but some data from the beginning atleast to describe the structure of the array and the data in it.


print_r($_POST['estimateDelivery']); gives me absolutely no output

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When I use print_r ($date); to see what is in that array, it only gives me one date


That's what you'd expect, since $date is derived from a single element of the $_POST['estimatedDelivery'] array, hence the [$i] part. Just make sure you've got no misspelling, and it should work.

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