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add google maps on street name


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Hi I am a newbie to PHP. i am having a problem to add a hyperlink on the street name. i am creating an overview off the incidents for a local Fire Department.

I have a few problems or questions.


[*]1. Data in the hyperlink doesn't working. ($straat)

[*]2. I want only the link at the street name

here can you see my mysql table. naamloostvg.jpg

and you can see here the calls http://www.joomlawebdesigns.nl/p2000/enkhuizen2008.html


Is it passible to do it.

the street name is in the "melding" the third word (always in BOLD), after prio 1 streetname or prio 2 streetname


Thanks a lot

regards Jelle

   //-- maak eerst de connectie met de database!
    $user = "*";
    $pass = "*";
    $host = "*";
    $dbdb = "*";
    if (!mysql_select_db($dbdb, mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)))
        echo "Kan geen verbinding maken met de database.";

$sql = "SELECT id,timestamp,capcode,melding,label FROM alarmeringen ORDER BY id DESC";
    $res = mysql_query($sql);

    if (mysql_num_rows($res) >= 1)
        $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

            $row['timestamp'] = substr($row['timestamp'], 0, 30);
           // Timestamp is datum en tijd van de melding en melding is de melding bv: Prio 2 BRW Kleine inzet SCHOONMAKEN WEGDEK
		if (count($matches) != 0)

	        $data = explode(' ',str_replace(':','',$matches[0]));
	        $straat = $data[0];
        		$stad = $data[4]; 
		$output = str_replace($matches[0],$matches[0].'</a>',$row['melding']) ;
            echo $row['timestamp'] . " " . $output . " " . '<a href=http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&hl=nl&geocode=&q='.$straat.'%20'. 'ENKHUIZEN%20NETHERLANDS'. ">";
		echo "<br><br>"  ;



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check your values in $data array. i think your preg_match is not working as you expect.

use: print_r($data) to output all the values you get in $data.


From a quick glance, I think your data formatting in the melding field in the database table is not very strict. You say that the street names are always in the 3 place (third word) and are in BOLD (uppercase) but that is not what I'm seeing on the picture. I don't know what your regexp is doing (whether its looking for the 3rd word or for uppercase letters) so I can't really help there. Debug the $data and check your preg_match is working.



Also, I looked at the source of your page and you are not constructing the <a> tags correctly. There is not even a single </a> tag in there!


You need something like:


$output = '<a href="http://somewhere.com/q=".$phpValue."&etc=blahBlahBlah">'.$phpStreetName.'</a><br />';

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$data = explode(' ',str_replace(':','',$matches[0]));

$output = str_replace($matches[0],$matches[0].'</a>',$row['melding']) ;
            echo $row['timestamp'] . " " . $output . " " . '<a href=http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&hl=nl&geocode=&q='.$straat.'%20'. 'ENKHUIZEN%20NETHERLANDS'. ">";


the $output = line is very wrong. theres a , instead of . after '</a>'.

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sorry i made a mistake there. (had a screaming baby on my lap at the time.) the str_replace call is working as is, but you are doing this:


creating $output to be: $matches[0].'</a>' so i assume you have something like: "Content from melding field</a>" in $output (I don't know exactly what is in $matches[0]) then you are using echo to output:


Timestamp Content from medling field</a> <a href="http://maps.blah.blah/&q=$straat+etc"><br><br>

you really want to echo something like:

<a href="http://maps.blah.blah/&q=$straat+etc">Timestamp Content from medling field</a><br />


and also, if you want to make your output source code a lot more readable, you can place some \n to create newlines:


<a href="http://maps.blah.blah/&q=$straat+etc">Timestamp Content from medling field</a><br />\n


I also tried:

$string = "Prio 1 Verzorgingstehuis Overvest LIJSTERBESSTRAAT 4 ENKHUIZEN Rookmelder ENK645";



and it outputs an empty array. I don't know what your preg_match regexp is doing but i dont think its working.

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Ok, I know I am multi posting but I think I may have something to fix it for you.


$string = "2009-08-15 18:58:38 Prio 1 (NB=: intrekken_alarmering) MOLENWEG 48 ENKHUIZEN Binnenbrand";
preg_match('/(.*\s)([A-Z]*)(\s[0-9]*\sENKHUIZEN)/', $string, $matches);

$preText	= $matches[1];
$streetName = $matches[2];
$postText	= $matches[3];

$output = '<a href="http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&hl=nl&geocode=&q='.$streetName.'%20ENKHUIZEN%20NETHERLANDS">'.$string.'</a><br />'."\n";

print("\n\n".'<br />');



$string is a value from database melding field I got from your page source.

The preg_match is doing this:

(.*\s) <- look for any number of any character up to a whitespace

([A-Z]*) <- look for any number of upper case characters

(\s[0-9]*\sENKHUIZEN) <- look for "whitespace, any number of digit characters, whitespace, the string 'ENKHUIZEN'"

in $string (value from melding) and put matches in $matches


it then outputs all the values in an anchor link to google maps. I tried it on my server and it works for me. The only thing is the regexp expects the word "ENKHUIZEN" in the melding field's string, otherwise it won't find a street name. I noticed some of your data doesn't include that... i'll leave you to work on that I guess. Hopefully this will get you on your way.


And if you want to look up the street number on google maps as well, you just change the regexp to:

preg_match('/(.*\s)([A-Z]*\s[0-9]*)(\sENKHUIZEN)/', $string, $matches);

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Ok, thanks. it works.


But only 2 questions left, how to add "new window "

and we have just a car fire at donkerstraat with no number is it passible to change the code if there is no number it go to the street.


Thanks for your help.

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if you want the links to open in a new window, do:


<a href="http://www.somewhere.com/" target="_blank">Link Text</a>


also check out www.w3schools.org for more HTML etc. stuff.


Dropping to street only if there is no number is harder to do, it changes the regexp values. I have to go away for the weekend now, but i can quickly suggest to you to check the data that the preg_match finds, if it doesn't suit your needs, you can make your code try a different regexp to find, for example, when there is no number in the address. I wont be back until Sunday night (3 days) though so I can't help you more until then.

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Thank you vey much, its working. i edit the code and it working perfect.


i changed the code to:

$string = $row['timestamp']." ".$row['melding'];
preg_match('/(.*\s)([A-Z]+.[0-9]*)(\s.[A-Z]*\s)/', $string, $matches);

$preText = $matches[1];
$streetName = $matches[2];
$postText = $matches[4];
$city = $matches[3];

$output = '<a target="_blank" href="http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&hl=nl&geocode=&q='.$streetName.'%20'.$city.'%20NETHERLANDS">'.$string.'</a><br />'."\n";

print("\n\n".'<br />');


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