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I'm working on a website that deals with an xml response. After an application is filled out on our website we get a response sent to us in $result


If the application is approved then it looks something like this:


<tss_loan_response><signature><data name="page">app_completed</data><data name="site_type">soap_oc</data><data name="license_key">sample</data><data name="promo_id">99999</data><data name="promo_sub_code"/></signature><errors/><content><section><verbiage><![CDATA[<br/>
<p>Thank you for your application. You have been approved. Please click <b><a href="http://www.somesite.com">here</a></b>to complete your application.</p><p>You will be automatically sent to the page in a few seconds.</p><script type="text/javascript">
var script_expression = "document.location.href = 'http://www.somesite.com'";
var msecs = 2 * 1000; setTimeout(script_expression, msecs);</script>



I need pieces of code from the $result


1.  The code between <data name="page"> and </data>

2.  The code between <![CDATA[  and  ]]>


How would I get them in $page and $data???

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I'd write you out something but I'm really tired right now and I'm going to bed. But here's a tutorial that should help you a lot.




You'll probably have to use $tss_loan_response->content->section->verbiage for the cdata.

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Thanks Darken.


I looked at the tutorial, but it's still not clear how I can get those two pieces of code that I need to display for the applicant.


I've never dealt with XML and it's totally new territory for me. I was hoping that I could maybe use regex to fish out the part that I need or any simple solution that would load the required part of the script into my variables.


Anybody else, pleeeeeeaaaaase?

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Try this out. >.< Kept thinking about it in bed. ;D


$xml = SimpleXMLElement($xmlfile, null, true);

echo "Data: " . $xml->xpath("tss_loan_response/data[@name=\"site_type\"]")->nodeValue . "<br />\n";
echo "CData: " . $xml->tss_loan_response->content->section->verbiage->nodeValue;

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