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I am finishing up my admin panel for my site and wanted a security audit.  It's very barebones with only user and groups management.  Some things I'd like tested:


1. SQL injections


2. Try and bypass the login to get into the admin center.


If you manage to get in, please try and do the following:


3. Try and delete the administrator account, or change its values (you should be able to reset the password but that's it).


4. Try and delete the administrators group, or change its values.


I will setup a user account that people can login with to test the inside security if no one can break in.







Profile link: http://www.intravising.com/profile.txt

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XSS: login.php


The following  variables are left not filtered and unsanitized:



Deprecated SSL 2.0 Protocol:


an attacker could remotely  exploit vunerabilities to execute man in the middle scripts or decrypt communications between service and clients.



Fix: Disable SSL 2.0 and use SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 instead.


Outdated Apache Mod SSL:


DDOS exploits possible.

Fix: Upgrade to latest Apche SSL version greater than 2.8.17

Outdated Apache mod Frontpage Module:


The Module is older than 1.61 and vunerable to buffer overflow which may allow an attacker root access.


Fix: this may also be a false positive manually check version if older than 1.61 dont worry if it is not, please upgrade.

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