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extra itteration through loop


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Ok guys this one is a strange one. I know that this is not a mysql issue because mysql is not outputting any errors. I believe it is in the while loop, however I have never seen a while loop act like this.


here is a link to the page http://www.jamsmagazine.com/index2.php?section=news


and here is my code

        <p><img src="images/jams-magazine-news.gif" width="150" height="20"></p>
//Get database connectiong config

$query = "SELECT * FROM jamsmag_news ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 4";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
//Get article from db
$count = "0";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) or die(mysql_error())) {
	$title = $row['title'];
	$article = $row['article'];
	echo $title;
	echo $article;
	echo $count;
	$count = $count + 1;



Now it is repeating the second news article "No more Gorillaz studio albums" is being repeated. whats more the first article is not displaying the counter echoed. What is causing this odd behavior any ideas, there are only 4 records in the news table so this makes no sense.


Thanks :facewall: :facewall: :facewall: :facewall: :hammer_time::psychic::suicide:

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Remove the or die(...) from the end of the mysql_fetch_assoc(). That makes no sense for a couple of reasons. msyql_fetch_assoc() does not produce a mysql error, it fetches rows from the result set and when there are no more rows in the result set a FALSE is returned so your code will die() at that point with nothing being output following your loop.


For any other problems, you should directly examine the data in your table because it is probably not what you think it is.

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well if you are going to preform math on count, you want to it be an integer, not a string (which it currently is) so change

$count = "0";


$count = 0;


you can also change

$count = $count + 1;



its a little easier



but i doubt that has anything to do with your error

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