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[SOLVED] Two Forms on One Page?


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I am trying to make a page where someone selects an option on one form, a code is executed depending on the selection, and then a new form appears for another option.


Could it be that my forms are clashing into each other because when I have them both on one page AND them action="" set to the same page, they don't work. If I have them on the same page but they have different actions, it works.




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I do not want to redirect my users to another page and then back (because the one with the different action redirects them to its action). Also, when it redirects them I cannot execute code based on whether or not the second form was completed AFTER they were sent away and back.




<form action='fcenter.php?page=planet1' method='post'>
		<select size='4' name='fight'>
		<option value='Aliens'>Aliens</option>
		<option value='Marines'>Marines</option>
		<option value='Native Animals'>Native Species</option> 
		<option value='Totally Random'>Randomize</option>
		<input type='submit' name='choose' value='Search'/> 



 <form action='fcenter.php?page=planet1' method='post'>
					<input type='radio' name='attack' value='Attack'/>Attack<br/>
					<input type='radio' name='attack' value='Flee'/> Flee <br/> 
					<input type='submit' name='confirm' id='confirm' value='Choose'/>


Ideal situation:


Member answers form 1 --> Form 2 comes up (answers form 2) --> Code is executed based on what they chose on form 2 (this code involves $_SESSIONs)


What it is doing is this:


Member answers form 1 --> Form 2 comes up (with different action) --> Send to enemy.php --> Redirect back to original page --> Now the original page is reloaded so I cannot execute the code based on form 2!!!!



What if form 1 was a $_GET form? >.> <.< then I could redirect them to...the page they chose?  :shrug: :shrug: :confused:

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What you are hoping for will require some javascript. PHP is executed on the server, javascript is executed in the browser.



Or you can have the form's action point the the same page...then have a hidden input on each form.  the hidden input will give an if statement or a switch to choose a peice of code to execute

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The php way would be something like this


if ($_POST['action'] == 1) { /* DO SOMETHING */}
else { /* DO SOMETHING ELSE */ }

<form name="form1" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value = "1">
<input="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 

<form name="form2" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value = "2">
<input="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 

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The php way would be something like this


if ($_POST['action'] == 1) { /* DO SOMETHING */}
else { /* DO SOMETHING ELSE */ }

<form name="form1" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value = "1">
<input="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 

<form name="form2" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input name="action" type="hidden" value = "2">
<input="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 


I don't get it, that's supposed to do what I want? I tried $_SERVER but it doesn't work because the page it is supposed to execute on is a switch (?page=planet1), when I tried it it redirected me to the main page with out the switch.

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Ideal situation:


Member answers form 1 --> Form 2 comes up (answers form 2) --> Code is executed based on what they chose on form 2 (this code involves $_SESSIONs)


What it is doing is this:


Member answers form 1 --> Form 2 comes up (with different action) --> Send to enemy.php --> Redirect back to original page --> Now the original page is reloaded so I cannot execute the code based on form 2!!!!



What if form 1 was a $_GET form? >.> <.< then I could redirect them to...the page they chose?  :shrug: :shrug: :confused:


why exactly is the form sending to enemy.php and redirecting? how are you trying to process the forms on fcenter.php?


if the first form is sent, then $_POST['choose'] will be set. to execute the code for form1 on submission, use:


if (isset($_POST['choose']))
  // form1 execution


if the second form is sent, then $_POST['confirm'] will be set, but not $_POST['choose']. for the form2 code execution, you can use:


if (isset($_POST['confirm']))
  // form2 execution


these can easily go on the same page in the header, and only one statement will process on any given page submission. in fact, to make it all streamlined, you could go:


if (isset($_POST['choose']))
  // form1 was submitted
elseif (isset($_POST['confirm']))
  // form2 was submitted
  // nothing was submitted


perhaps i'm missing something here..


EDIT: note that if you want the information from form1 to post along with the information selected/posted from form2, you will need to add hidden inputs into form2's code to plug that information in.

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