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PayPal integration API Plz help


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hello PHP Team ! i have developed a site in PHP. And have made an MySql Data for a reservation form. Now i wants to collect direct payments through credit cards etc, and while the payment is being process by paypal  the buyer will see something like payment is being processed then move to confirmation page. I don't wants to buyer get register first etc, just direct payments and on form submission data will be stored in my DB. I am not sure from where to exactly start. I have read some posts here but not clear which system i need to use. i wants to collect payments directly on site. Please if you can provide me some links or exactly any name what thing should i use . Thanks for any help

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hello PHP Team ! i have developed a site in PHP. And have made an MySql Data for a reservation form. Now i wants to collect direct payments through credit cards etc, and while the payment is being process by paypal  the buyer will see something like payment is being processed then move to confirmation page. I don't wants to buyer get register first etc, just direct payments and on form submission data will be stored in my DB. I am not sure from where to exactly start. I have read some posts here but not clear which system i need to use. i wants to collect payments directly on site. Please if you can provide me some links or exactly any name what thing should i use . Thanks for any help


google the paypal IPN and have a look through their developer's resources. regardless of what method you choose, you should NOT be storing the user's payment information in your own database. that should be left to the credit card processors, who can guarantee the safety of that information.

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Thanks for the help akitchin ! is it ok to just store the name address or is it not important ?


i would say you can store any information on your own servers (provided you let users know and you have a privacy policy they can read) except credit card numbers, verification codes, anything to do with financial identifiers.

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