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Retrieve 15 of the last mysql posts into multi dimensional array, need help..

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Hey everyone, I am new to the forum and its good to see a place to come for help.. I wouldn't say that I am a very experienced php/mysql programmer. I have more experience in c++, and I am just getting my hands dirty with php.. I need a little help retrieving some values, this is what I have so far, which it keeps giving me the same value 15 times for each userid:


for ($counter=0; $counter<$totalAssets; $counter+=1)


  for($counter2=0; $counter2<=15; $counter2+=1)


$longitudes_L = mysql_query("SELECT longitude FROM tbl_transactions where userid= '$assets[$counter]' ORDER BY tid DESC", $mysql_link);

  $theresult = mysql_fetch_row($longitudes_L);

  $longitudes[$counter][$counter2] = $theresult[0];

  echo $longitudes[$counter][$counter2];




Basically what im trying to do is get 15 of the last longitudes posted to the server, and put it into a multi dimensional array where the $longitudes[//THIS IS THE USER ID][//15 LONGITUDES go in here]





I need to store values in an multi dimensional array, I dont know which way is best suitable for this app.


I want to store them like this, or any other way similar so there is an id to every 15 longitudes.


for ($counter=1; $counter<$totalAssets; $counter+=1)



$longitudes_L = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_transactions where userid= '$assets[$counter]' ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 15", $mysql_link);





        echo $row[5];

        echo $assets[$counter];

        $longitudes[$counter2] = $row[5];    //this line works

        $longitudes[$counter][$counter2] = $row[5];    //this line doesn't work, any suggestions?

        echo "Next value has been stored and being echoed";

        echo $longitudes[$counter2];  //works





//longitudes[id name in here][longitudes in here, 15 elements]


what do you recommend?


thanks a lot

Either I am tired or this looks pretty good. What you want to do though is declare $counter2


for ($counter=1; $counter<$totalAssets; $counter+=1)


$counter2 = 0;


Other than that I dont see any reason it shouldnt work right, when you do this though echo $counter and $counter2 with your other variables  :shrug:

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