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I am stuck, and need help. I'm making a site where you raise and shoe 'virtual rabbits.'


I'm trying to figure out the color genetics script.


Let's give this scenario:


I breed a black colored rabbit, his genetics are:  aaB_C_D_E_


So, I breed the black with a Chocolate genetics:  aabb_C_D_E_


The black gene, in this case, is the dominant gene (keep in mind both these have 'no' other genetics with them. Just for scenario reasons)


So, let's say they breed, and 5 rabbits are born. The bulk of those rabbits are Black, but they carry the chocolate gene with them, and have a 1 in 3 chance of being chocolate.


I was trying to write it using 'if' statements, but got stuck



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I would like to use if statements to create the code (not that I can think of any other way). because once someone selects their two rabbits and hits "breed" I want it to view this code quickly and determine the genetics. Even though it will be more complicated to make that possible.

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Is there a reason you formatted the genes like this:




If the user won't see the genes you're using then, you can format them in a lot easier way to process.  I'm guessing capital letters are dominant genes?  If that's the case you could put each rabbit's genes in an array; assign each gene an integer value depending on how dominant you wanted it.  Then compare the parents values in whatever way you want to determine the offspring's array values.




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Is there a reason you formatted the genes like this:




If the user won't see the genes you're using then, you can format them in a lot easier way to process.  I'm guessing capital letters are dominant genes?  If that's the case you could put each rabbit's genes in an array; assign each gene an integer value depending on how dominant you wanted it.  Then compare the parents values in whatever way you want to determine the offspring's array values.



Well; I was hoping on allowing users to get 'genotype tests' so, users can view the genetics; but I don't think I will, so that way I can make it wasier on myself.

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You can do that and show it to them; but it would be easier if you ran the genetic calculations first and then converted them to a format you want users to see.  My point was just that it will be easier if you don't try to compare string values like that to make the actual decisions. 

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each gene usually comes in pairs of two.. like Bb or bb or BB.. so lets say you cross Bb with bb, but if you have like you said aaBb than you'd need to go into more detail.. this should cross any number of genetic traits across itself then you just randomly pick from $possabilities


all you need to do is simply


$gene1 = 'aaBb';
$geneA = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < strlen($gene1)) $geneA[] = substr($gene2,$i++,1);

$gene2 = 'Aabb';
$geneB = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < strlen($gene2)) $geneB[] = substr($gene2,$i++,1);

$possabilities = array();
foreach ($geneA as $A) {
foreach ($geneB as $B) {
	if ($A === strtoupper($A)) $possabilities[] = $A.$B;
	else {
		if ($B === strtoupper($B)) $possabilities[] = $B.$A;
		else $possabilities[] = $A.$B;


and $possabilities SHOULD hold all 4 possabilities if I did that right.. the above is not tested..

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sorry.. theres a mistake in my code above and I can't modify


$gene1 = 'aaBb';
$geneA = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < strlen($gene1)) $geneA[] = substr($gene1,$i++,1);

$gene2 = 'Aabb';
$geneB = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < strlen($gene2)) $geneB[] = substr($gene2,$i++,1);

$possabilities = array();
foreach ($geneA as $A) {
   foreach ($geneB as $B) {
      if ($A === strtoupper($A)) $possabilities[] = $A.$B;
      else {
         if ($B === strtoupper($B)) $possabilities[] = $B.$A;
         else $possabilities[] = $A.$B;

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