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[SOLVED] Arrays and Fatal Errors


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@define('IN_SPAAZZ', true);

// Make sure we arent trying to execute anything without being called properly...
die("This page must not be accessed directly...");

// This ID is the ID for the given solar system.....
$systemid = $_GET['id'];

// SQL for pulling station information
// stationTypeID used in reference to staOpperations 
// to get services at station
// Variable for stationTypeID - $stTypeID
// $stTypeID then references staStationTypes
$get_stations = "SELECT officeRentalCost, stationTypeID, corporationID, stationName, reprocessingEfficiency, reprocessingStationsTake, opperationID
			FROM staStations
			WHERE solarSystemID = '$systemid'
			ORDER BY stationName";

// SQL for pulling solar system info... ehehehee
$get_sysinfo = "SELECT itemID, itemName
			FROM eveNames
			WHERE itemID = '$systemid'";

// Set queried variables...
$stations = mysql_query($get_stations);
$system   = mysql_query($get_sysinfo);

//Master Array
$sysInfo = array();

// Declair the variable to hold each array, containing all datumz...
// Child Array - Holds station info - NOT SERVICES
$info = array();

//Child Array - Holds operationservice ID's...
$svcIDs = array();

// Child array - holds station services
$staSvcs = array();

while ($rowsta = mysql_fetch_assoc($stations))
$rentalCost  = $rowsta['officeRentalCost']." ISK per 30 Days<br />";
$staTypeID   = $rowsta['stationTypeID']."<br />";
$corpID      = $rowsta['corporationID']."<br />";
$staName     = $rowsta['stationName']."<br />";
$repoEffic   = $rowsta['reprocessingEfficiency'] * 100 ."%<br />";
$repoStaTake = $rowsta['reprocessingStationsTake'] * 100 ."%<br /><br />";

// Need Op ID to reference staOpperationServices (opID -> ServiceID) then from staServices (ServiceID -> ServiceName)
$opperationID = $rowsta['opperationID'];

// Push data into the array $info in the following order...
array_push($info, array("$staName", "$corpID", "$staTypeID", "$rentalCost" , "$repoEffic", "$repoStaTake", "$opperationID"));


foreach($info[6] as $key)
// SQL for grabbing service ID's based on $key
$keyql = "SELECT serviceID
			 FROM staOpperationServices
			 WHERE opperationID = '$key'";
$keyqlres = mysql_query($keyql);

while($rowz = mysql_fetch_assoc($keyqlres))
	$staSvcIds = $rowz['serviceID'];
	array_push(svcIDs, "$staSvcIds");

foreach($svcIDs[0] as $key)
$svcSql = "SELECT serviceName
		FROM staServices
		WHERE serviceID = '$key'";
$svcNameRes = mysql_query($svcSql);

while($svRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($svcNameRes))
	$svcs = $svRow['serviceName'];
	array_push(staSvcs, array("$svcs"));

// Push two child arrays (Services and Sta Info) into master array... Ignore ID array...
array_push($sysInfo, $info, $staSvcs);


I am getting the following error:

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/geudrik/spaazz.net/tools.php/systeminfo.php on line 77


Line 77 is the following:

array_push(svcIDs, "$staSvcIds")


I know that it has something to do with the method that I'm trying to set my arrays up for, but I can't seem to find where I'm going wrong.  Anyone have any suggestions?

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der, thanks :)


But my arrays are afu'd... I should be getting a bunch more data dumping out than what I actually am getting. 



[6] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Jita IV - Moon 10 - Caldari Business Tribunal Law School
[1] => 1000033
[2] => 3871
[3] => 10000 ISK per 30 Days
[4] => 50%
[5] => 5%


I should also be getting a bunch of services as well...

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