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[SOLVED] Not adding correctly


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Hello I have created like my own exam system, and I was testing it put and when I put everything correct my score still comes out to 90 instead of 100 please help.




$elist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `entrance_exam` ORDER BY rand()");

$elrows = mysql_num_rows($elist);

if ($elrows > '0'){

<table width="100%">

while ($elr = mysql_fetch_array($elist)){

$counter = $counter + 1;

<form action="?page=correct_exam" method="post" name="counter">

<input type="hidden" size="8" name="timer">




var milisec=0

var seconds=30


function display(){

if (milisec<=0){




if (seconds<=-1){













echo "<tr bgcolor=#4c7cb2><td><font color=white><b>$counter. $elr[Question]</b></font></tr>";

echo " <tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE><td>A:<input type=radio name=$elr[id] value=a> $elr[A]</td></tr>";

echo "<tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE><td>B:<input type=radio name=$elr[id] value=b> $elr[b]</td></tr>";

if ($elr[C]){ echo " <tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE><td>C:<input type=radio name=$elr[id] value=c> $elr[C]</td></tr>"; }

if ($elr[D]){ echo " <tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE><td>D:<input type=radio name=$elr[id] value=d> $elr[D]</td></tr>"; }


echo "<tr><td><input type=submit value=\"Submit Exam\"></td></tr>";

echo "<input type=hidden name=now value=$now>";

echo "<input type=hidden name=viewexam value=yes>";
} else { echo'No Questions in database'; }







$a1 = $_POST[1];
$a2 = $_POST[2];
$a3 = $_POST[3];
$a4 = $_POST[4];
$a5 = $_POST[5];
$a6 = $_POST[6];
$a7 = $_POST[7];
$a8 = $_POST[8];
$a9 = $_POST[9];
$a10 = $_POST[10];
$a11 = $_POST[11];
$a12 = $_POST[12];
$a13 = $_POST[13];
$a14 = $_POST[14];
$a15 = $_POST[15];
$a16 = $_POST[16];
$a17 = $_POST[17];
$a18 = $_POST[18];
$a19 = $_POST[19];
$a20 = $_POST[20];

$correct = 0; # Initialize the Variable

if ($a1 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a2 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a3 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a4 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a5 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a6 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a7 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a8 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a9 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a10 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a11 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a12 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a13 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a14 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a15 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a16 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a17 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a18 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a19 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

if ($a20 == 'a'){ $correct = $correct + 1; }

$score = round((($correct / 20) * 100),0);

echo "Your score was $score";





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array(23) { ["timer"]=>  string(0) "" [19]=>  string(1) "a" [13]=>  string(1) "a" [5]=>  string(1) "a" [4]=>  string(1) "a" [10]=>  string(1) "a" [14]=>  string(1) "a" [21]=>  string(1) "a" [12]=>  string(1) "a" [22]=>  string(1) "a" [20]=>  string(1) "a" [18]=>  string(1) "a" [7]=>  string(1) "a" [16]=>  string(1) "a" [8]=>  string(1) "a" [11]=>  string(1) "a" [2]=>  string(1) "a" [15]=>  string(1) "a" [6]=>  string(1) "a" [17]=>  string(1) "a" [3]=>  string(1) "a" ["now"]=>  string(0) "" ["viewexam"]=>  string(3) "yes" } Your score was 90

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In correct_exam.php, you are checking for the value of $_POST[1], but there is no key [1] or [9] in your var_dump:


array(23) { 
["timer"]	=>  string(0) "" 
[19]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[13]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[5]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[4]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[10]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[14]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[21]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[12]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[22]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[20]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[18]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[7]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[16]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[8]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[11]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[2]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[15]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[6]			=>  string(1) "a" 
[17]		=>  string(1) "a" 
[3]			=>  string(1) "a" 
["now"]		=>  string(0) "" 
["viewexam"]=>  string(3) "yes" 
Your score was 90


You also have a key [21] and [22]. Did you notice?

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ok I change the ID number in the database and now I am getting the following....



array(23) { ["timer"]=>  string(0) "" [17]=>  string(1) "a" [10]=>  string(1) "a" [5]=>  string(1) "a" [9]=>  string(1) "a" [19]=>  string(1) "a" [20]=>  string(1) "a" [15]=>  string(1) "a" [6]=>  string(1) "a" [13]=>  string(1) "a" [21]=>  string(1) "a" [1]=>  string(1) "a" [4]=>  string(1) "a" [7]=>  string(1) "a" [18]=>  string(1) "a" [3]=>  string(1) "a" [12]=>  string(1) "a" [11]=>  string(1) "a" [16]=>  string(1) "a" [2]=>  string(1) "a" [14]=>  string(1) "a" ["now"]=>  string(0) "" ["viewexam"]=>  string(3) "yes" } Your score was 95


Their is 21 questions in the database, but I have it get a random 20. so do you think that can might be the problem.

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Yes, this is probably where your problem comes from.


I just want to add, that this exam system would be fundamentally flawed, because if the user simply views the source code, they would have all of the correct answers. If it matters, it should be changed.


When I have created an exam in the past, the questions, answers, and scores were held in an XML file, and then parsed with SimpleXML for question and answers retrieval, and also for scoring. This makes changing the questions, answers, and scoring easy too. An instructor can just create a new XML file, and the new test is ready to go.

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Well the user cant find the correct answer becuase I have it set up like the following:


if($a1 == 'b'){ $correct == $correct + 1}


then it adds one point, I have it like that for every question but my question is that how come when I made all the right answer to be "A" and then I select A on all the answers my result comes out ta 95?



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I just don't know. It's hard to diagnose because there are quite a few things that look wrong. I think you should run your query directly inside MySQL or phpMyAdmin, and see if you are getting what you expect. Also, until you validate the output of your exam, your form itself could be messing up what you think is perfect. Maybe somebody else will chime in.

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