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image resize and watermark / 2 scripts in one


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Hello everyone,


I need a little help. I'm not a PHP expert, I think this one is an easy one but still... I cannot solve it :P


I have 2 scripts, one for Image resizing and another one for watermark. I need to merge these 2 scripts in one. First to do the image resizing and then apply the watermark, and post the resulted image. I don/t know why it doesnt work to use for the watermark script the result of the first script....


I will add the two scripts:


// Smart Image Resizer 1.4.1
// Resizes images, intelligently sharpens, crops based on width:height ratios, color fills
// transparent GIFs and PNGs, and caches variations for optimal performance

// Created by: Joe Lencioni (http://shiftingpixel.com)
// Date: August 6, 2008
// Based on: http://veryraw.com/history/2005/03/image-resizing-with-php/


// I love to hear when my work is being used, so if you decide to use this, feel encouraged
// to send me an email. Smart Image Resizer is released under a Creative Commons
// Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States license
// (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/). All I ask is that you include a link
// back to Shifting Pixel (either this page or shiftingpixel.com), but don’t worry about
// including a big link on each page if you don’t want to–one will do just nicely. Feel
// free to contact me to discuss any specifics (joe@shiftingpixel.com).


// PHP and GD


// Parameters need to be passed in through the URL's query string:
// image		absolute path of local image starting with "/" (e.g. /images/toast.jpg)
// width		maximum width of final image in pixels (e.g. 700)
// height		maximum height of final image in pixels (e.g. 700)
// color		(optional) background hex color for filling transparent PNGs (e.g. 900 or 16a942)
// cropratio	(optional) ratio of width to height to crop final image (e.g. 1:1 or 3:2)
// nocache		(optional) does not read image from the cache
// quality		(optional, 0-100, default: 90) quality of output image


// Resizing a JPEG:
// <img src="/image.php/image-name.jpg?width=100&height=100&image=/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Don't forget your alt text" />

// Resizing and cropping a JPEG into a square:
// <img src="/image.php/image-name.jpg?width=100&height=100&cropratio=1:1&image=/path/to/image.jpg" alt="Don't forget your alt text" />

// Matting a PNG with #990000:
// <img src="/image.php/image-name.png?color=900&image=/path/to/image.png" alt="Don't forget your alt text" />


if (!isset($_GET['image']))
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
echo 'Error: no image was specified';

define('MEMORY_TO_ALLOCATE',	'100M');
define('DEFAULT_QUALITY',		90);
define('CURRENT_DIR',			dirname(__FILE__));
define('CACHE_DIR_NAME',		'/imagecache/');

// Images must be local files, so for convenience we strip the domain if it's there
$image			= preg_replace('/^(s?f|ht)tps?:\/\/[^\/]+/i', '', (string) $_GET['image']);

// For security, directories cannot contain ':', images cannot contain '..' or '<', and
// images must start with '/'
$image = substr($image, 1);
if ($image{0} != '/' || strpos(dirname($image), ':') || preg_match('/(\.\.|<|>)/', $image))
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
echo 'Error: malformed image path. Image paths must begin with \'/\'';

// If the image doesn't exist, or we haven't been told what it is, there's nothing
// that we can do
if (!$image)
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
echo 'Error: no image was specified';

// Strip the possible trailing slash off the document root
$docRoot	= preg_replace('/\/$/', '', DOCUMENT_ROOT);

if (!file_exists($docRoot . $image))
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
echo 'Error: image does not exist: ' . $docRoot . $image;

// Get the size and MIME type of the requested image
$size	= GetImageSize($docRoot . $image);
$mime	= $size['mime'];

// Make sure that the requested file is actually an image
if (substr($mime, 0, 6) != 'image/')
header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
echo 'Error: requested file is not an accepted type: ' . $docRoot . $image;

$width			= $size[0];
$height			= $size[1];

$maxWidth		= (isset($_GET['width'])) ? (int) $_GET['width'] : 0;
$maxHeight		= (isset($_GET['height'])) ? (int) $_GET['height'] : 0;

if (isset($_GET['color']))
$color		= preg_replace('/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', (string) $_GET['color']);
$color		= FALSE;

// If either a max width or max height are not specified, we default to something
// large so the unspecified dimension isn't a constraint on our resized image.
// If neither are specified but the color is, we aren't going to be resizing at
// all, just coloring.
if (!$maxWidth && $maxHeight)
$maxWidth	= 99999999999999;
elseif ($maxWidth && !$maxHeight)
$maxHeight	= 99999999999999;
elseif ($color && !$maxWidth && !$maxHeight)
$maxWidth	= $width;
$maxHeight	= $height;

// If we don't have a max width or max height, OR the image is smaller than both
// we do not want to resize it, so we simply output the original image and exit
if ((!$maxWidth && !$maxHeight) || (!$color && $maxWidth >= $width && $maxHeight >= $height))
$data	= file_get_contents($docRoot . '/' . $image);

$lastModifiedString	= gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($docRoot . '/' . $image)) . ' GMT';
$etag				= md5($data);

doConditionalGet($etag, $lastModifiedString);

header("Content-type: $mime");
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
echo $data;

// Ratio cropping
$offsetX	= 0;
$offsetY	= 0;

if (isset($_GET['cropratio']))
$cropRatio		= explode(':', (string) $_GET['cropratio']);
if (count($cropRatio) == 2)
	$ratioComputed		= $width / $height;
	$cropRatioComputed	= (float) $cropRatio[0] / (float) $cropRatio[1];

	if ($ratioComputed < $cropRatioComputed)
	{ // Image is too tall so we will crop the top and bottom
		$origHeight	= $height;
		$height		= $width / $cropRatioComputed;
		$offsetY	= ($origHeight - $height) / 2;
	else if ($ratioComputed > $cropRatioComputed)
	{ // Image is too wide so we will crop off the left and right sides
		$origWidth	= $width;
		$width		= $height * $cropRatioComputed;
		$offsetX	= ($origWidth - $width) / 2;

// Setting up the ratios needed for resizing. We will compare these below to determine how to
// resize the image (based on height or based on width)
$xRatio		= $maxWidth / $width;
$yRatio		= $maxHeight / $height;

if ($xRatio * $height < $maxHeight)
{ // Resize the image based on width
$tnHeight	= ceil($xRatio * $height);
$tnWidth	= $maxWidth;
else // Resize the image based on height
$tnWidth	= ceil($yRatio * $width);
	$tnHeight	= $maxHeight;

// Determine the quality of the output image
$quality	= (isset($_GET['quality'])) ? (int) $_GET['quality'] : DEFAULT_QUALITY;

// Before we actually do any crazy resizing of the image, we want to make sure that we
// haven't already done this one at these dimensions. To the cache!
// Note, cache must be world-readable

// We store our cached image filenames as a hash of the dimensions and the original filename
$resizedImageSource		= $tnWidth . 'x' . $tnHeight . 'x' . $quality;
if ($color)
$resizedImageSource	.= 'x' . $color;
if (isset($_GET['cropratio']))
$resizedImageSource	.= 'x' . (string) $_GET['cropratio'];
$resizedImageSource		.= '-' . $image;

$resizedImage	= md5($resizedImageSource);

$resized		= CACHE_DIR . $resizedImage;

// Check the modified times of the cached file and the original file.
// If the original file is older than the cached file, then we simply serve up the cached file
if (!isset($_GET['nocache']) && file_exists($resized))
$imageModified	= filemtime($docRoot . $image);
$thumbModified	= filemtime($resized);

if($imageModified < $thumbModified) {
	$data	= file_get_contents($resized);

	$lastModifiedString	= gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $thumbModified) . ' GMT';
	$etag				= md5($data);

	doConditionalGet($etag, $lastModifiedString);

	header("Content-type: $mime");
	header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
	echo $data;

// We don't want to run out of memory
ini_set('memory_limit', MEMORY_TO_ALLOCATE);

// Set up a blank canvas for our resized image (destination)
$dst	= imagecreatetruecolor($tnWidth, $tnHeight);

// Set up the appropriate image handling functions based on the original image's mime type
switch ($size['mime'])
case 'image/gif':
	// We will be converting GIFs to PNGs to avoid transparency issues when resizing GIFs
	// This is maybe not the ideal solution, but IE6 can suck it
	$creationFunction	= 'ImageCreateFromGif';
	$outputFunction		= 'ImagePng';
	$mime				= 'image/png'; // We need to convert GIFs to PNGs
	$doSharpen			= FALSE;
	$quality			= round(10 - ($quality / 10)); // We are converting the GIF to a PNG and PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9

case 'image/x-png':
case 'image/png':
	$creationFunction	= 'ImageCreateFromPng';
	$outputFunction		= 'ImagePng';
	$doSharpen			= FALSE;
	$quality			= round(10 - ($quality / 10)); // PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9

	$creationFunction	= 'ImageCreateFromJpeg';
	$outputFunction	 	= 'ImageJpeg';
	$doSharpen			= TRUE;

// Read in the original image
$src	= $creationFunction($docRoot . $image);

if (in_array($size['mime'], array('image/gif', 'image/png')))
if (!$color)
	// If this is a GIF or a PNG, we need to set up transparency
	imagealphablending($dst, false);
	imagesavealpha($dst, true);
	// Fill the background with the specified color for matting purposes
	if ($color[0] == '#')
		$color = substr($color, 1);

	$background	= FALSE;

	if (strlen($color) == 6)
		$background	= imagecolorallocate($dst, hexdec($color[0].$color[1]), hexdec($color[2].$color[3]), hexdec($color[4].$color[5]));
	else if (strlen($color) == 3)
		$background	= imagecolorallocate($dst, hexdec($color[0].$color[0]), hexdec($color[1].$color[1]), hexdec($color[2].$color[2]));
	if ($background)
		imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $background);

// Resample the original image into the resized canvas we set up earlier
ImageCopyResampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, $offsetX, $offsetY, $tnWidth, $tnHeight, $width, $height);

if ($doSharpen)
// Sharpen the image based on two things:
//	(1) the difference between the original size and the final size
//	(2) the final size
$sharpness	= findSharp($width, $tnWidth);

$sharpenMatrix	= array(
	array(-1, -2, -1),
	array(-2, $sharpness + 12, -2),
	array(-1, -2, -1)
$divisor		= $sharpness;
$offset			= 0;
imageconvolution($dst, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset);

// Make sure the cache exists. If it doesn't, then create it
if (!file_exists(CACHE_DIR))
mkdir(CACHE_DIR, 0755);

// Make sure we can read and write the cache directory
if (!is_readable(CACHE_DIR))
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
echo 'Error: the cache directory is not readable';
else if (!is_writable(CACHE_DIR))
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
echo 'Error: the cache directory is not writable';

// Write the resized image to the cache
$outputFunction($dst, $resized, $quality);

// Put the data of the resized image into a variable
$outputFunction($dst, null, $quality);
$data	= ob_get_contents();

// Clean up the memory

// See if the browser already has the image
$lastModifiedString	= gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($resized)) . ' GMT';
$etag				= md5($data);

doConditionalGet($etag, $lastModifiedString);

// Send the image to the browser with some delicious headers
header("Content-type: $mime");
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data));
echo $data;

function findSharp($orig, $final) // function from Ryan Rud (http://adryrun.com)
$final	= $final * (750.0 / $orig);
$a		= 52;
$b		= -0.27810650887573124;
$c		= .00047337278106508946;

$result = $a + $b * $final + $c * $final * $final;

return max(round($result), 0);
} // findSharp()

function doConditionalGet($etag, $lastModified)
header("Last-Modified: $lastModified");
header("ETag: \"{$etag}\"");

$if_none_match = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ?
	stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) : 

$if_modified_since = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ?
	stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) :

if (!$if_modified_since && !$if_none_match)

if ($if_none_match && $if_none_match != $etag && $if_none_match != '"' . $etag . '"')
	return; // etag is there but doesn't match

if ($if_modified_since && $if_modified_since != $lastModified)
	return; // if-modified-since is there but doesn't match

// Nothing has changed since their last request - serve a 304 and exit
header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
} // doConditionalGet()

// old pond
// a frog jumps
// the sound of water

// —Matsuo Basho


and now... the watermark



header('content-type: image/jpeg');
$img = $_GET['img'];
$watermark = imagecreatefrompng('watermark.png');

$watermark_width = imagesx($watermark);
$watermark_height = imagesy($watermark);
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($watermark_width, $watermark_height);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg("$img");
$size = getimagesize("$img");
$dest_x = $size[0]/2 - $watermark_width/2 ;
$dest_y = $size[1]/2 - $watermark_height/2;

imagecopymerge($image, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, 100);



Please, if someone can help me ...




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