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next page for pagination


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below is a search engine script and im tring to improve it by adding pagination to it, but im having a little problem with the "next" button, i have looked at other script but i cant understand them as i am new to php and i want to make one that i can understand, the "prev" button does work. there are no errors within the script but my problem is that the "next" button is never displayed. please help.



//connect to our database

//strlen check
$search = $_GET['results'];
   echo "Your search must be at least 3 characters long.";

//results per page
$per_page = 10;

//get start variable
$start = $_GET['start'];

//get start
  $start = 0;

//explode our search term
$search_exploded = explode(" ",$search);

foreach($search_exploded as $search_each)
   //construct query
   if ($x==1)
      $query .= "description LIKE '%$search_each%' LIMIT $start, $per_page";
      $query .= " OR description LIKE '%$search_each%' LIMIT $start, $per_page";         

$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE $query";

//count results
$run = mysql_query($query);
$foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run);

//count max pages
$max_pages = $foundnum / $per_page; //may come out as a decimal

if ($foundnum==0)
   echo "You searched for <b>$search</b>. No results found.";
   echo "You searched for <b>$search</b><br>$foundnum result(s) found!<p><hr size='1' width='387'color='#E6E6E6' align='left'>";

   while ($runrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($run))
      //get data
      $city = ucwords($runrows['city']);
      $pageurl = $runrows['pageurl'];
      $company = ucwords($runrows['company']);
      $logo = $runrows['logo'];
  $pageid = $runrows['pageid'];
      if ($imagelocation == "") 
         $imagelocation = "./profileimages/noprofilepic.jpg";
      echo "
      <img src ='$logo' width='100' height='105' border='0' align='left' style='padding-right:10px'><br>
      <a href='http://www.squiblo.com/page.php?pageid=$pageid' style='text-decoration:none;'><font color='#FFFF00'><u>View page</u></font></a><br><br><br><br><br>
      <hr size='1' width='387' align='left' color='#E6E6E6'>

   //previous and next variables
   $prev = $start - $per_page;
   $next = $start + $per_page;
   //show prev button
   if (!($start<=0))
   echo "<a href='results2.php?start=$prev&results=$search'>Prev</a> ";
   //show page numbers (not done yet)
   //show next button
   if (!($start>=$foundnum-$per_page))
   echo " <a href='results2.php?start=$next&results=$search'>Next</a>";

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You have few bugs also in you code, for example what If user enters in the browser as a start -20 and not through your buttons? You let it all go which will lead to that your mysql query will fail. I am not following the logic all the time but I made quickly a example paging how I would do it. It's simple and it works. Maybe you can get some help examining it.


// Entries per page.
$perPage = 4;

// Get max count for max pages.
$countSql = "SELECT count(id) AS amount FROM koirat";
$countResult = mysql_query($countSql);
$count = mysql_fetch_object($countResult);
$count = $count->amount;

// Calculate max pages.
$maxPages = floor($count/$perPage);

// Check user inputted page does not exceed maxPages and is over zero.
if (isset($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 0 && intval($_GET['page']) <= $maxPages)
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
$page = 1;

// Calculate start (and offset = $perPage).
$start = ($page * $perPage) - $perPage;

// Build query, run and get results for current page.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM koirat LIMIT $start, $perPage";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
echo $row->id . ' - ' . $row->nimi . '<br/>';

// Print prev button.
echo ($page > 1) ? '<a href="?page=' . ($page - 1) .'">prev</a>' : 'prev ';

// Print pages
for ($i=1; $i<=$maxPages; $i++)
echo ($i === $page) ? $i .' ' : '<a href="?page='. $i .'">'. $i .'</a> ';

// Print next button.
echo ($page < $maxPages) ? ' <a href="?page=' . ($page + 1) .'">next</a>' : ' next';

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doing a pagination script that is just reading from a database im ok with and im ok with a search engine script but putting them both together really confuses me. TeNDoLLA, is it ok if you could give an example with my search paginated and i could try and change a few things?

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Now I modified the code I posted earlier so that it has search and the search is remembered while changed pages.

// Search was made.
if (isset($_POST['search']) && strlen(trim($_POST['search'])))
$search = $_POST['search']; // For keeping search while changing pages.
$where = " WHERE nimi LIKE '%" . trim($_POST['search']) ."%' ";
$page = 1; // Page must be set to 1 after new search.
else if (isset($_GET['search']))
$search = $_GET['search']; // For keeping search while changing pages.
$where = " WHERE nimi LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['search']) ."%' ";
$where = '';
$search = '';

// Entries per page.
$perPage = 4;

// Get max count for max pages.
$countSql = "SELECT count(id) AS amount FROM koirat $where";
$countResult = mysql_query($countSql);
$count = mysql_fetch_object($countResult);
$count = $count->amount;

// Calculate max pages.
$maxPages = floor($count/$perPage);

// Check user inputted page does not exceed maxPages and is over zero.
if (isset($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 0 && intval($_GET['page']) <= $maxPages)
$page = intval($_GET['page']);
$page = 1;

// Calculate start (and offset = $perPage).
$start = ($page * $perPage) - $perPage;

// Build query, run and get results for current page.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM koirat $where LIMIT $start, $perPage";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
echo $row->id . ' - ' . $row->nimi . '<br/>';

// Print prev button.
echo ($page > 1) ? '<a href="?page=' . ($page - 1) . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') .'">prev</a> ' : 'prev ';

// Print pages
for ($i=1; $i<=$maxPages; $i++)
echo ($i === $page) ? $i .' ' : '<a href="?page='. $i . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') .'">'. $i .'</a> ';

// Print next button.
echo ($page < $maxPages) ? ' <a href="?page=' . ($page + 1) . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') . '">next</a>' : ' next';
<form action="FAST_PAGING.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="search" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="search" /><br/>

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ive modified the code slightly here is it...

<form action="resultstest.php" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="search" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="search" /><br/>
//connect to our database

// Search was made.
if (isset($_POST['search']))
   $search = $_POST['search']; // For keeping search while changing pages.
   $where = " WHERE description LIKE '%" . ($_POST['search']) ."%' ";
   $page = 1; // Page must be set to 1 after new search.
else if (isset($_GET['search']))
   $search = $_GET['search']; // For keeping search while changing pages.
   $where = " WHERE description LIKE '%" . ($_GET['search']) ."%' ";
   $where = '';
   $search = '';

// Entries per page.
$perPage = 4;

$query = "SELECT * FROM members $where";

//count results
$run = mysql_query($query);
$foundnum = mysql_num_rows($run);

//count max pages
$maxPages = floor($foundnum / $perPage); //may come out as a decimal 

// Check user inputted page does not exceed maxPages and is over zero.
if (isset($_GET['page']) && intval($_GET['page']) > 0 && intval($_GET['page']) <= $maxPages)
   $page = intval($_GET['page']);
   $page = 1;

// Calculate start (and offset = $perPage).
$start = ($page * $perPage) - $perPage;

// Build query, run and get results for current page.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM members $where LIMIT $start, $perPage";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
   echo $row->id . ' - ' . $row->description . '<br/>';

// Print prev button.
if (!($start<=0))
echo ($page > 1) ? '<a href="?page=' . ($page - 1) . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') .'">prev</a> ' : 'prev ';

// Print pages
for ($i=1; $i<=$maxPages; $i++)
   echo ($i === $page) ? $i .' ' : '<a href="?page='. $i . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') .'">'. $i .'</a> ';

// Print next button.
if (!($start>=$foundnum-$perPage))
echo ($page < $maxPages) ? ' <a href="?page=' . ($page + 1) . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') . '">next</a>' : ' next';

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Maybe you have run some search somewhere between? The search is not reseted whie changing pages. You should modify the code a little if you want the search to reset everytime you change page (which makes no sense to me). This can be also achieved with searching just an empty string. Or maybe create a reset button or something like that.


Edit: Or there is a bug in your code.

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You are now mixing two different method together.


This is piece of code...

// Print prev button.
if (!($start<=0))
echo ($page > 1) ? '<a href="?page=' . ($page - 1) . (strlen($search) ? '&search=' . $search : '') .'">prev</a> ' : 'prev ';


...same as this code:

// Print prev button.
if (!($start<=0))
if ($page > 1)
    $prev = '<a href="?page=' . ($page - 1);
    if (strlen($search))
        $prev .= '&search=' . $search;
    $prev .= '">prev</a> ';
    $prev = 'prev ';
echo $prev;


Which makes no sense, or does it?


Edit: btw. my bad. You are right it was supposed to be ceil() not floor() when counting max pages!

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