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[SOLVED] Appending to lower levels of multidimensional array


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I'm sure there must be a simple solution, but I've scoured the net and come up blank. I have a three-dimensional array. I want to append a new array to the third level. In other words, it would be:

array > array > array

          array      array



If I simply do:

$3darray = array('value1');

it appends it as a new array on the second level of 3darray, but I can't find any way to append it further down than that…

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Would this do the job?


$array = array(array('value1'));

[EDIT] Correction. That Won't. This will:


// Level 1
$array = array('array1','array2');

// Level 2
$array[0] = array('value1','value2');

// Level 3
$array[0][0] = array('sub_value1');

Gives you:


    [0] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => sub_value1

            [1] => value2

    [1] => array2

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OK, that is almost perfect, except that that code you posted seems to create a NEW array on the second level, then another array within that one. Reading back I did not actually make this clear in my initial posting, but what I want to do is to create a new third-level array within an existing second-level array:


existing_array > existing_array > existing_array



The above tree is now an exact representation of my arrays and what I want to do with them. You might ask why I would need a third-level array at all if I have only a single second-level array. The reason is that after the array structure is properly created, the entire thing is going to be run through json_encode. For the json to parse properly for my uses, I need the three levels of arrays. Many thanks.

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this seems easy enough, but without seeing your actual array I can only give an educated guess

$array;//this is your full array
$array[0];//this is the second level of your array
$array[0][0];//this is the third level of your array

to add a new entry to the third level just do
$array[0][0][] = $new_array;
//where new_array is the array that is being pushed into the 3rd level of your array


is that what you're looking for?

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Still not getting it to work.


Here is the code I'm running (the variable values stripped from the script, as they add nothing to this example):


$final_output = array( 'Departure Locations' => Array ( '0' => Array ( 'name' => $stop_location, 'time1' => $next_arrival, 'direction1' => $bus_direction, 'time2' => $second_arrival, 'direction2' => $bus_return, 'weekendservice' => $weekend_service ) ) );

$final_output[0][0] = array( 'name' => $stop_location, 'time1' => $next_arrival, 'direction1' => $bus_direction, 'time2' => $second_arrival, ' direction2' => $bus_return, 'weekendservice' => $weekend_service );


Here is what it returns:

Array ( [Departure Locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Templeton [time1] 6: 00 PM => [direction1] => null [time2] 7: 04 PM => [direction2] => null [weekendservice] => true ) ) [0] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Law School [time1] => 5: 43 PM [direction1] => To Lewis and Clark [time2] => 6: 05 PM [ direction2] => To Pioneer Square [weekendservice] => true ) ) ) 


Here is what it SHOULD return:

Array ( [Departure Locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Templeton [time1] => 6: 00 PM [direction1] => null [time2] => 7: 04 PM [direction2] => null [weekendservice] => true ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Law School [time1] => 5: 43 PM [direction1] => To Lewis and Clark [time2] => 6: 05 PM [direction2] => To Pioneer Square [weekendservice] => true ) ) )

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I believe I've figured it out. Never could get stuff to properly append at the third level, but I can achieve the same final product by creating the arrays separating, the stacking them one at a time, like so:


$levelone = array();
$leveltwo = array(array( 'name' => $stop_location, 'time1' => $next_arrival, 'direction1' => $bus_direction, 'time2' => $second_arrival, 'direction2' => $bus_return, 'weekendservice' => $weekend_service ));
$leveltwo[] = array( 'name' => $stop_location, 'time1' => $next_arrival, 'direction1' => $bus_direction, 'time2' => $second_arrival, 'direction2' => $bus_return, 'weekendservice' => $weekend_service );
$levelone['Departure Locations'] = $leveltwo;


Which outputs:

Array ( [Departure Locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => [time1] => [direction1] => [time2] => [direction2] => [weekendservice] => ) [1] => Array ( [name] => [time1] => [direction1] => [time2] => [direction2] => [weekendservice] => ) ) ) 


Which is what I want. Cool.

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