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Hello everyone, i have a site here :-



If you navigate to the contact Us page -


It was an inbuilt contact form in which the reason field wasn't there. i tried to add a custom field of mine, the Reason field.

I also wrote codes for it to make it necessary to enter the reason. but when the user doesnt fill it, it does not display any error like it displays in the name field, email field and message field by adding a red border to the input box.


here is the send.php :-


	$errorC = false;

	$the_name = $_POST['yourname'];
	$the_email = $_POST['email'];
	$the_website = $_POST['website'];
	$the_reason = $_POST['reason'];
	$the_message = $_POST['message'];

	#want to add aditional fields? first add them to the form in template_contact.php, then create variables like the ones above
	# $your_field = $_POST['name_of_your_field'];
	# last thing to do is to edit the message, see bottom of this file

		$errorC = true;
		$the_emailclass = "error";
		$the_emailclass = "valid";

	if($the_name == "")
		$errorC = true;
		$the_nameclass = "error";
		$the_nameclass = "valid";

	if($the_reason == "")
		$errorC = true;
		$the_reasonclass = "error";
		$the_reasonclass = "valid";

	if($the_message == "")
		$errorC = true;
		$the_messageclass = "error";
		$the_messageclass = "valid";

	if($errorC == false)
		$to      =  $_POST['myemail'];
		$subject =  $_POST['reason'];
		$header  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
		$header .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n";
		$header .= "From:" .$_POST['yourname'] . "<[email protected]>\r\n"; 

		$message1 = nl2br($_POST['message']);

		$message = "New message from  $the_name <br/>
		Mail: $the_email<br />
		Website: $the_website <br />
		Reason: $the_reason <br /><br />
		Message: $message1 <br />";

		$message = "New message from  $the_name <br/>
		YOUR FIELD: $your_field <br/>
		Mail: $the_email<br />
		Website: $the_website <br /><br />
		Message: $message1 <br />";


		echo"<h3>Your message has been sent!</h3><p> Thank you!</p>";


function checkmymail($mailadresse){
return $email_flag;



and here is the template_contact.php which includes the fields :-

Template Name: Contact Form
global $k_options;
$name_of_your_site = get_option('blogname');
$email_adress_reciever = $k_options['contact']['contact_mail'] != "" ? $k_options['contact']['contact_mail'] : get_option('admin_email');

get_header(); ?>

<div id="content" class="bg_sidebar">
           <div id="inner_content">
            <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
            $punchline = get_post_meta($post->ID, "punchline", true);
		$portfolio_image = get_post_meta($post->ID, "portfolio-image", true);	

            <div class="entry">

           <span class="meta"><?php echo $punchline; ?></span> 
           <h2><a href="<?php echo get_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
           <div class="entry-content">
           if($portfolio_image != "") echo '<img class="aligncenter" src="'.$portfolio_image.'" alt="" />';
           <?php the_content(); ?>
			</div><!--end entry-content-->

			<form action="" method="post" class="ajax_form">
		<fieldset><?php if (!isset($errorC) || $errorC == true){ ?><legend><span>Send us a mail</span></legend>

		<p class="<?php echo $the_nameclass; ?>" ><input name="yourname" class="text_input empty" type="text" id="name" size="20" value='<?php echo $the_name?>'/><label for="name">Your Name*</label>
		<p class="<?php echo $the_emailclass; ?>" ><input name="email" class="text_input email" type="text" id="email" size="20" value='<?php echo $the_email?>' /><label for="email">E-Mail*</label></p>
		<p class="<?php echo $the_reasonclass; ?>" ><input name="reason" class="text_input empty" type="text" id="reason" size="20" value='<?php echo $the_reason?>' /><label for="reason">Reason*</label></p>			
		<p><input name="website" class="text_input" type="text" id="website" size="20" value="<?php echo $the_website?>"/><label for="website">Website</label></p>
		<label for="message" class="blocklabel">Your Message*</label>
		<p class="<?php echo $the_messageclass; ?>"><textarea name="message" class="text_area empty" cols="40" rows="7" id="message" ><?php echo $the_message ?></textarea></p>

		<input type="hidden" id="myemail" name="myemail" value="<?php echo $email_adress_reciever; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" id="myblogname" name="myblogname" value="<?php echo $name_of_your_site; ?>" />

		<input name="Send" type="submit" value="Send" class="button" id="send" size="16"/></p>
		<?php } else { ?> 
		<p><h3>Your message has been sent!</h3> Thank you!</p>

		<?php } ?>


		</div><!--end entry-->
           </div><!-- end inner_content-->
           	<?php endwhile; else: ?>

<p>Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.</p>

<!--do not delete-->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>          
</div><!-- end content-->
<?php get_footer(); ?>


Can anybody help me please ?  :(  :confused:

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With regards the 'error message' red border being added, afain php cannot manipulate DOM elements or the styles associated with them once the element has been generated.


If the page is to be re-generated by php after each submit attempt you can use conditionals to create the form's elements with the appropriate styles (such as border colour etc.) pre-applied.


The only other way I can think of is to use Javascript to perform the validation and alter the form element's styles through DOM CSS manipulation, using AJAX to call the php function if everything's ok and passing the form fields as variables.


Downside of Javascript is it is client side and therefor could be disabled on the user's machine. Web design accessibility standards prefer functionality to be as non-dependent on potentially absent technologies as possible, or at least provide alternative means to perform the same function (usually at the expense of the 'pretty' things). In your case this would mean no red borders, but you could still echo out an error message text for php only functionality.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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