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mysql/php format/syntax left join ARRRRGGHH


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MySQL 5.0.27


hej, I was wondering if some of you wonderful people could give me a heads up on this,


I have been reading up and have summised that I need a LEFT JOIN


As i want it to list all the teams regardless of if they have points or not.


I have a table of teams with a UID and the team name.


then i have a table called points that stores the UID of the teams table as a foreign key, the number of points and each entry is timestamped for historical review later on.


what I want to do is display all the teams and the total number of points each team has acrued.


I get the sum of the teams with this

$query = "SELECT pointsfid, SUM(teampoints) FROM points GROUP BY pointsfid";


I presumed that being a relational database i wouldnt have to save the team name in the points table. Assumed it would be possible to get the team names also.


but how to get a query to display the team as well has foxed me.


I got this far

SELECT pointsfid, SUM(teampoints) AS totalpoints FROM points GROUP BY pointsfid LEFT JOIN teams ON points.pointsfid = teams.teid


was I even close? miles out? what did I miss? This seems like it should be so simple.


Am I barking up the wrong tree? should I be looking to create a totals feild in the teams table and update that with a total from the points table. to me that seems like it shouldnt be needed.


another question pops in to my head also;

How do I echo the alias totalpoints in PHP?


Thanks in advance for any help with this.

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