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MySQL not loading in PHP


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PHP does not appear to recognise my MySQL installation. I am experienced with computers, though very much a beginner with PHP and MySQL. I have been following a book, and the instruction has been working until this point. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I have the following configuration installed on an XP platform as a test bed:


"Apache HTTP Server 2.2.13 including OpenSSL"

"PHP 5.2.10" (zipped installation, not installer version).

"MySQL Community Server 5.0 (x86)"


PHP is installed in C:\php. Default locations for Apache and MySQL.


I have taken the following steps as per an instruction I have been given:


1. Placed a copy of mysql.dll, and mysqli.dll from the ext sub directory, into c:\php.


2. Edited httpd.conf to include the directives:

    "LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll" and,

    "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php".


3. Placed a copy of php.ini-dist into the windows folder, and renamed to php.ini. Edited to remove semicolon in front of the following lines:





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Thanks. I did indeed. Thought someone might ask me that, and I'd realised I'd left that off the original message.


Perhaps I haven't provided enough information?


I did some research of course (here), and found one message that might have pertained, but that didn't work either. Search swamps you with hits when you only have a few key words you can use :)

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I'm not 100% sure why this is now working but I can now see the MySQL section in phpinfo output.


I had changed the php.ini line "extension_dir = "C:/php/ext" to be enabled also, so perhaps that was the issue.


Thanks for the help. XAMPP looks like a really good idea by the way, so thanks for that info also.


I'm not sure how to set this thread to solved, or even if I can, but the issue is definitely now SOLVED!  :D

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Yeah yeah... I like to do things the hard way so I learn ok :)


There was no MySQL section before it started working. Everything else in the output looked good though. Must have been a slight misconfiguration.


Might still have a look at XAMPP though, so thanks for the tip.

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