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[SOLVED] PHP Upload Limit!

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Sorry firstly for Posting this as there are plently of tutorials online and secondly because I may have put it in the wrong place, I did look first but Couldn't see anywhere :/


Basicly, In my PHP.INI file, there is nothing, and in my .htaccess file, Nothing.


I cannot upload more than 2mb, but I try what people say, and nothing.

If I put anything into .htaccess then the Internal Server Error comes up, and nothing in php.ini appears to work :(


Any other way? I have access to Cpanel if this helps

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You can only put php settings in a .htaccess file when php is running as an Apache Module. Putting php setting in a .htaccess file when php is not running as an Apache Module results in server errors. I'll guess your php is not running as an Apache Module, but check with your web host to be sure.


You can only put php settings in a local php.ini when php is running as an CGI application AND your web host has permitted those particular settings to be changed. Also, some web server setups require a local php.ini to be placed in each folder that the settings need to apply to.


Have you checked with your web host exactly where and if you can change the maximum upload size settings? Some web hosts don't permit you to change it. Have you determined if you are exceeding the upload_max_filesize setting or the post_max_size setting or both?


Post the line(s) you attempted to put in your local php.ini, the syntax could have been wrong or the name of the setting you were attempting to change could have been wrong.

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