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Searching LDAP


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LDAP questions don't seem to get many responses here but undeterred I'm going to give it a go!


I'm writing a little Ajax/PHP combo to search our college (LDAP) address book. I'm slowly getting to grips with the AJAX bits but the LDAP searching is giving me a serious headache!


My code at the moment returns the entire LDAP record for the users it finds. Reams of stuff!!  But all I really need is  "departmentnumber" and "maillocaladdress" for matches to "uid".


The equivalent SQL query would be simple:

SELECT departmentnumber,maillocaladdress,uid FROM ldap WHERE uid = searchname

(something like that anyway!)


Can anybody point me in the right direction with filtering the LDAP search results? The stuff I've found on-line is confusing to say the least.







$username = "huw.*";

// LDAP variables

$ldaphost = "ldapslave.mycollege.ac.uk";  // your ldap servers

$ldapport = 389;                 // your ldap server's port number

// Connecting to LDAP

$ds = ldap_connect($ldaphost, $ldapport) or die ("Could not connect to $ldaphost");

//Connection made -- bind anonymously and get dn for username.

    $bind = @ldap_bind($ds);


//Check to make sure we're bound.

    if( !bind )


        echo "Anonymous bind to LDAP FAILED.";



// This is the stuff I can't get to work!	

//	$filter="(|(uid=$username*))";

//	$justthese = array("uid", "departmentnumber", "maillocaladdress"); 

$search =  ldap_search($ds, "dc=mycollege,dc=ac,dc=uk", "uid=$username"/*$filter, $justthese*/);


$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);

print_r ($search);




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OK. I'm still hoping for replies - but I've also made a little progress!


I've managed to filter out most of the info I don't need by modifying the query with some filtering


$justthese = array("uid", "departmentnumber", "maillocaladdress"); 

$search =  ldap_search($ds, "dc=mycollege,dc=ac,dc=uk", "uid=$username", $justthese);

$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $search);

print_r ($info);


This gives me all the data I need - but with a whole bunch of array info. Here's a snippet.


Array ( [count] => 2 [0] => Array ( [uid] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => username1 ) [0] => uid [maillocaladdress] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => useremail ) [1] => maillocaladdress [departmentnumber] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => Engineering ) [2] => departmentnumber [count] => 3 [dn] => uid=username,ou=Users,dc=mycollege,dc=ac,dc=uk ) 


So the follow on question is how do I turn this into something useful? Is this a job for 'foreach' ? Sorry my brain is pretty fried at the moment!!


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