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[SOLVED] pass variable to function


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<img src='http://www.u-stack.com/quote.jpg' alt='Quote!' onclick='changeText($number)' />

    <script type='text/javascript'>
function changeText($number){
document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = '$text';


<textarea name='reply' cols='50' rows='10' wrap='hard' id='reply'></textarea


i tried this and its not working..i want the function to be determined by $number..


any help

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um.. well you are trying to write php syntax in javascript.. and thats completely wrong.


are you trying to pass a php variable into a javascript function? then you want to do something like this

<script type='text/javascript'>
function changeText(number){
document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = number;


and when you call the function

<img src='http://www.u-stack.com/quote.jpg' alt='Quote!' onclick='changeText("<? echo $number; ?>")' />

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 <img src='http://www.u-stack.com/quote.jpg' alt='Quote!' onclick='changeText($number)' />

    <script type='text/javascript'>
function changeText(number){
   document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = number;


i've got it working this way.. it displays the number in the text area... since this is a quote system..


$text = '[quote]'.$reply.'[/quote]';


i tried replacing number with $text, so it appears like this..


<img src='http://www.u-stack.com/quote.jpg' alt='Quote!' onclick='changeText($number)' />

    <script type='text/javascript'>
function changeText(number){
   document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = $text;


but now it shows up blank in text area.. whats the correct way to do this?

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   while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))

     $info = str_replace ("\r\n", '<br />',$row['info']);
$hyperlink = $row['hyperlink'];
$name = $row['name'];
$username1 = $row['username'];
$image = $row['image'];
$number = $row['id'];
$posted = $row['posted'];
$reply = $row['reply'];
$text = '[quote]'.$reply.'[/quote]';
$bb = new bbtags;
$quote =  $bb->replace($reply);


  echo "<div id='$number'><font color=grey font size=4px><strong> $username1</strong></font><br>
  <img src='$image' width='50px' height='50px'><br><br>
   <font color=white font size=3px>$quote</font><br></div>";

echo "
<a href='report.php?id=$number'><img src='http://www.u-stack.com/report.jpg'></a>
<img src='http://www.u-stack.com/quote.jpg' alt='Quote!' onclick='changeText($number)' />
    <br><hr size='1'>

    <script type='text/javascript'>
function changeText(number){

   document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = number;



<textarea name='reply' cols='50' rows='10' wrap='hard' id='reply'></textarea><br>


i thought a quote reply system would be easy.. i been stuck on this for hours lol

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try changing this

function changeText(number){

   document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = number;




function changeText(number){

   document.getElementById('reply').innerHTML = document.getElementById(number).innerHTML;


btw this is more a javascript problem than a php problem.


but stick that function at the top of your page. Don't stick it in the loop because it will be posted a bunch of times and you will run into a same function error

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thx it works, even though its showing what i echoed in the textarea like..


<font font="" color="grey" size="4px"><strong> guest</strong></font><br>
  <img src="http://www.u-stack.com/guest.jpg" width="50px" height="50px"><br><br>
   <font font="" color="white" size="3px">hello14</font><br>



btw  i can only click once, i have to refresh to click again... is there a way around that..



thanks for the help..


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