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random images in a table


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Hi all.

Wondering if I can achieve this goal, with your help of course :D


I have a table (4 rows x 4 lines) with 16 images; each one has a link to open in a bigger size or an html page.

I want my images change the position, randomly in that table, each time the page is loaded or refreshed.

Is that possible using PHP? Should I use another different technology? By the way, I’m using Dreamweaver for design.


Thanks in advance





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Hi Alex,

first of all thanks for your reply.

Basically, this is on row of my table:



            <td><div align="center"><a href="mariza.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/mariza/main.jpg" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="anaraquel.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/anaraquel/main.jpg" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="joicy.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/joicy/main.jpg" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="rita.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/rita/main.jpg" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>



As I told you before, the idea is to have all images displayed in a different position each time the page loads…

Hope this helps to better understand the idea 





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You could do something like..


$imgs = Array(Array('mariza', 'main.jpg'), Array('anaraquel', 'main.jpg'), Array('joicy', 'main.jpg'), Array('rita', 'main.jpg'));

            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[0][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[0][0] . '/' . $imgs[0][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>
            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[1][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[1][0] . '/' . $imgs[1][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>
            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[2][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[2][0] . '/' . $imgs[2][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></div></td>
            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[3][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[3][0] . '/' . $imgs[3][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>

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Yea, something like this..


$imgs = Array(Array('mariza', 'main.jpg'), Array('anaraquel', 'main.jpg'), Array('joicy', 'main.jpg'), Array('rita', 'main.jpg'));

echo "<tr>";
foreach($imgs as $img)
     echo '<td><div align="center"><a href="' . $img[0] . '.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/' . $img[0] . '/' . $img[1] . '" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>';
echo "</tr>";


Then just add more content to the Array to display more. The thing is, you'll have to edit that so it'll work for adding more rows.

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$imgs = Array(
	Array('mariza', 'main.jpg'), 
	Array('anaraquel', 'main.jpg'),
	Array('joicy', 'main.jpg'),
	Array('rita', 'main.jpg')

echo "<table><tr>";
$width = 4;
$cw = 1;
foreach($imgs as $img) {
	if ($cw == $width) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $cw = 1; }
	echo '<td><div align="center"><a href="' . $img[0] . '.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/' . $img[0] . '/' . $img[1] . '" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>';
while ($cw < 4) {
	echo "<td> </td>";
echo "</tr></table>";


building off of alex's post

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Hi all.

sorry to bother again :)

cannot put this code working properlly...



<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


$imgs = Array(

Array('a', 'main.jpg'),

Array('b', 'main.jpg'),

Array('c', 'main.jpg'),

Array('d', 'main.jpg')




echo "<table><tr>";

$width = 4;

$cw = 1;

foreach($imgs as $img) {

if ($cw == $width) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $cw = 1; }

echo '<td><div align="center"><a href="' . $img[0] . '.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/' . $img[0] . '/' . $img[1] . '" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>';



while ($cw < 4) {

echo "<td> </td>";


echo "</tr></table>";






<table width="920" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#312F30">     



            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[0][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[0][0] . '/' . $imgs[0][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[1][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[1][0] . '/' . $imgs[1][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[2][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[2][0] . '/' . $imgs[2][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></div></td>

            <td><div align="center"><a href="<?php echo $imgs[3][0]; ?>.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/<?php echo $imgs[3][0] . '/' . $imgs[3][1]; ?>" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>









What am I doing wrong? ( a lot of things I imagine... :) )




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You have to put the PHP code where you want the content to be. Not in the head.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<table width="920" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#312F30">      
   $imgs = Array(
      Array('a', 'main.jpg'), 
      Array('b', 'main.jpg'),
      Array('c', 'main.jpg'),
      Array('d', 'main.jpg')      

   echo "<tr>";
   $width = 4;
   $cw = 1;
   foreach($imgs as $img) {
      if ($cw == $width) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $cw = 1; }
      echo '<td><div align="center"><a href="' . $img[0] . '.html" target="_blank"><img src="imagens/' . $img[0] . '/' . $img[1] . '" width="220" height="240" border="0"></a></div></td>';
   while ($cw < 4) {
      echo "<td> </td>";
   echo "</tr>";

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Hi Russel,

the algorithm seems to work great :D sweet

however, the table structure was changed..  I have the first row with 3 pictures and a second row with just only one picture...

additionally, I have an extra column with four rows that present 4 pictures, one per row and all aligned at right... :S strange behavior...

could you help me find out what the problem is?




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Hi all.

maybe I didn't explain myself correctly; what append with this code is:

it's supposed to have a table with one row with the all 4 pictures, and  I have  a couple of rows:

the first one with 3 pictures and a second row with the remaining picture of the 4 images sequence. then, I have more 4 rows and each one display one picture (with always the same sequence as the first one)


can someone help me find out what the problem is?

thanks in advance



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