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need help for include function in my code


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I was here last night for adsense setup in my code and the problem was not resolved and i ended up using the include function and it worked for me.

Now include function is working here

<!--Business Homepage-->
        <td valign='bottom' align='center'>";
                if( strlen( $row[9] ) !=0 ){
                echo "<a target='_blank' href='http://".$row[9]."'><img src='images/home_icon.png' alt=''><br/> website
                echo "</td>
        <!-- Email -->
        <td valign='bottom' align='center'>";
                if( strlen( $row[10] ) !=0 ){
                echo"<a href='mailto:".$row[10]."'><img src='images/email_icon.png' alt=''><br/>email
        echo "</td><td valign='center' align='center'>";
               echo "<br /><img src='images/logo-small.png' alt='' /><br/>";
               echo "<strong><a href=\"javascript:slogan('".$row[15]."')\">See Business Slogan</a></strong>";
        echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><hr /></td></tr>";

it seems to be working here but doesnt work below

i am pretty sure that i am missing a tag or something in the code below but cant seem to figure it out, PLEASE HELP

the code is below.

//displaying results
echo "
<div id='header'>
        <table border='0' width='100%'>
        <tr><td align='left'>
        <span><img src='images/banner_logo.png' alt='' /></span>
        </td><td>  </td></tr></table>
echo "<div id='content'>
<div id='hspace'>
        <!-- horizontal space -->
<!-- horizontal space -->
<table border='0'  width='100%'>
<td width='200px' valign='center' align='center'>
        <img src='images/contact.png' width='225px' alt='' />

                <h2 class='title'>Number of businesses found: ".$totalResults." - Page ".$pageNum." of ".$totalPages."</h2>
                <div class='content'>";

                /*if( $query == NULL ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE";
                }else if ( strlen($city) == 0 && strlen($category) == 0 ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE CATEGORY";
                //echo $query;

now if you see the above code you will find include("ads.html");

and it doesnt work.... can anyone tell me why.... please tell me if i am missing something in the code, please let me know where is the mistake.

Thanks in advance. Your help will be truly appreciated.


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regardless of whether or not the


tags are in the actual code or not, gareths solution is correct. You are echoing "include('ads.php')" which will just output it to the screen. if you want to actually run the function, you can't have it in the echo statement. BTW, this is mostly personal preference, but I wouldn't echo out that much HTML. if all you want to do is show it just do


//php here
<!-- HTML HERE ->
//more php
<!-- More HTML -->

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the[ b ]  [ / b ]

was just an attempt to make    include("ads.html");  bold for you guys to see it in the code

here is the error that i get


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/ blahblah


and i tried your suggestions above but not woring please review the above code.

Thanks for your replies sorry for being late.... i had to restart my machine


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ok, this should work...

//displaying results
echo "
<div id='header'>
        <table border='0' width='100%'>
        <tr><td align='left'>
        <span><img src='images/banner_logo.png' alt='' /></span>
        </td><td>  </td></tr></table>
echo "<div id='content'>
<div id='hspace'>
        <!-- horizontal space -->
<!-- horizontal space -->
<table border='0'  width='100%'>
<td width='200px' valign='center' align='center'>
        <img src='images/contact.png' width='225px' alt='' />";
   echo "</td>
                <h2 class='title'>Number of businesses found: ".$totalResults." - Page ".$pageNum." of ".$totalPages."</h2>
                <div class='content'>";

                /*if( $query == NULL ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE";
                }else if ( strlen($city) == 0 && strlen($category) == 0 ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE CATEGORY";
                //echo $query;

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ummm i cant find any problems....

umm try to run this code and tell me if you get error:

//displaying results
echo "
<div id='header'>
        <table border='0' width='100%'>
        <tr><td align='left'>
        <span><img src='images/banner_logo.png' alt='' /></span>
        </td><td>  </td></tr></table>
echo "<div id='content'>
<div id='hspace'>
        <!-- horizontal space -->
<!-- horizontal space -->
<table border='0'  width='100%'>
<td width='200px' valign='center' align='center'>
        <img src='images/contact.png' width='225px' alt='' />";

   echo "</td>
                <h2 class='title'>Number of businesses found: ".$totalResults." - Page ".$pageNum." of ".$totalPages."</h2>
                <div class='content'>";

                /*if( $query == NULL ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE";
                }else if ( strlen($city) == 0 && strlen($category) == 0 ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE CATEGORY";
                //echo $query;


i just removed the include ads.html

if you dont get any error with this code, so the problem in your ads.html file...

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Here is the complete code

site is under .htaccess login right now.....



$pageTitle='Your Search Results';
<body OnLoad="loadImages()">
<div id="hidepage" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:225px; height: 100%; width: 100%;">

<table width=100% height=100%><tr><td align='center' valign='center'>
<object width="225" height="200">
<param name="movie" value="nationwideloading.swf">
<embed src="images/something.swf" width="500" height="200">

//set db server access variables
$host = "something";
$user = "something";
$pass = "something";
$db = "something";

//open connection
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");

//select database
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

//create query
$name = $_GET["name"];

$category = $_GET["category"];

$city = $_GET["city"];

$state = $_GET["state"];

if ($state == "NW") {

if(strlen($city) == 0){
$cityQuery = "";
$cityQuery = "and `city` = '$city' ";
if(strlen($state) == 0){
        $stateQuery = "";
        $stateQuery = "and `state` = '$state' ";

if (strlen($category) == 0) {
        $type="`name` LIKE '".$name."%'";
if (strlen($name) == 0) {
        $type="`description` LIKE '%".$category."%'";

if (strlen($city) == 0) {
        $cityQuery = "";
} else {
        $cityQuery = "and city = '$city'";

if ($state == "NW") {
        $stateQuery = "";
} else {
        $stateQuery = "and state = '$state'";
if(!isset($_GET['query'])){ {
if( strlen($category) == 0 ){
        $query = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE name LIKE '$name%' $cityQuery $stateQuery";
}else if( strlen($name) == 0 ){
        $query = "SELECT * FROM clients2 WHERE description LIKE '%$category%' $cityQuery $stateQuery";
$query = $query ." ORDER BY name";

// $query creation

// Detetermine which table to use based on the selected state
$region2 = array("CO","IA","KS","MN","MO","MT","ND","NE","SD","UT","WI","WY","AR","AZ","LA","NM","OK","TX","AK","CA","HI","ID","NV","OR","WA");

if (array_search($state, $region2) == NULL)
  $dbtable = "clients";
  $dbtable = "clients9";

        $query = "SELECT * FROM `clients` WHERE " . $type . " " . $cityQuery . " " .$stateQuery;
        $query = $query ." ORDER BY name";

if( strlen($category) == 0  && strlen($name) == 0 ){
        //$query = NULL;

// Pagination

// how many rows to show per page
$rowsPerPage = 15;

// by default we show first page
$pageNum = 1;

// if $_GET['page'] defined, use it as page number
    $pageNum = $_GET['page'];

// counting the offset
$offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $rowsPerPage;

$pager = new PS_Pagination($connection, $query, 15, 10, $name, $category, $city, $state );

//execute query
//$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error());
$result = $pager->paginate();
$totalResults = $pager->getNumberOfResults();
$totalPages = $pager->getNumberOfPages();

//displaying results
echo "
<div id='header'>
        <table border='0' width='100%'>
        <tr><td align='left'>
        <span><img src='images/banner_logo.png' alt='' /></span>
        </td><td align='right'>
   <span><img src='images/toll.gif' alt='' /></span>
        </td><td>  </td></tr></table>
echo "<div id='content'>
<div id='hspace'>
        <!-- horizontal space -->
<!-- horizontal space -->
<table border='0'  width='100%'>
        <td width='200px' valign='center' align='center'>
        <img src='images/contact.png' width='225px' alt='' />
                <h2 class='title'>Number of businesses found: ".$totalResults." - Page ".$pageNum." of ".$totalPages."</h2>
                <div class='content'>";

                /*if( $query == NULL ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE";
                }else if ( strlen($city) == 0 && strlen($category) == 0 ){
                        echo "SEARCH ERROR MESSAGE CATEGORY";
                //echo $query;

// see if any rows were returned
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    // yes
    // print them one after another
    echo "<table cellpadding=10 border=0 width=100% >";
    while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        echo "<tr><td><b>";
        echo "<td>".$row[0]."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$row[1]."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$row[2]."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$row[3]."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$row[4]."</td>";
        echo "<td>".$row[11]."</td>";
        echo $row[1]."</b><br/><br/>";
        echo $row[2].", <br/>";
        echo $row[3].", ". $row[4] . ", " .$row[5] ."<br />";
                $phone = $row[6];
                $area = substr($phone, 0, 3);       
                $pre = substr($phone, 3, 3);
                $post = substr($phone, 6, 4);
        echo "Telephone: (" .$area.") ".$pre."-".$post. "<br />";
                $fax = $row[8];
                $farea = substr($fax, 0, 3);       
                $fpre = substr($fax, 3, 3);
                $fpost = substr($fax, 6, 4);
        echo "Fax: (" .$farea.") ".$fpre."-".$fpost. "<br />";
        echo "Email: <a href='mailto:".$row[10]."'>".$row[10]." </a><br/>";
        echo "Website: <a target='_blank' href='http://".$row[9]."'>".$row[9]."<br/>";
        echo $row[11]."</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "
        <table border='0' cellpadding='5px' width='100%'><tr>
        <td valign='bottom' align='center'><a target='_blank' href='http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?address=". $row[2] ."&city=".$row[3]."&state=".$row[4]."&country=us&cid=lfmaplink'><img src='images/map_icon.png' alt='' /></a><br />
        <a target='_blank' href='http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?address=". $row[2] ."&city=".$row[3]."&state=".$row[4]."&country=us&cid=lfmaplink'>map</a>
                <!--Business Homepage-->
        <td valign='bottom' align='center'>";
                if( strlen( $row[9] ) !=0 ){
                echo "<a target='_blank' href='http://".$row[9]."'><img src='images/home_icon.png' alt=''><br/> website
                echo "</td>
        <!-- Email -->
        <td valign='bottom' align='center'>";
                if( strlen( $row[10] ) !=0 ){
                echo"<a href='mailto:".$row[10]."'><img src='images/email_icon.png' alt=''><br/>email
        echo "</td><td valign='center' align='center'>";
               echo "<br /><img src='images/logo-small.png' alt='' /><br/>";
               echo "<strong><a href=\"javascript:slogan('".$row[15]."')\">See Business Slogan</a></strong>";
        echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><hr /></td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
        // print the link to access each page
        echo $pager->renderFullNav();

else {
    // no
    // print status message
    echo "<img src='images/info.gif' alt='' />   We apologize, no somethingsomething.com listings matching your search criteria were found.<br /><br/>";
        echo "Please return to the <a href='index.php'>previous page</a> and re-enter correct or more search criteria.";

// free result set memory

// close connection

echo  "</td></tr></table></div>";


the error come on line 161 and thats where i want to include the    ads.html file

it works perfectly on line 232

Please solve this for me..... i am stuck for months and just keep scratching my head.....


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