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Require some help with php_zip.dll or a zip class so my script can zip files..

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Require some help with php_zip.dll or a zip class so my script can zip files..

I run a smf forum... I have coded so far coded this


if (stripslashes($_GET['DownloadZiped']))
$id_msg = $_GET['DownloadZiped'];
$queryresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM backup_smf_attachments JOIN backup_smf_messages ON
	    backup_smf_attachments.id_msg=backup_smf_messages.id_msg WHERE backup_smf_messages.id_msg = '$id_msg'") or die(mysql_error());
		while ($fetcharray = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult))
$file_name = $fetcharray['id_attach'];
$real_name = $fetcharray['filename'];
foreach (glob('C:/Files/attachments17/'.$file_name.'_*') as $file_name) 
echo"$file_name - $real_name <br>";


To see the results of above code:



This is the attachments of a message on my smf forum..


The bit im finding tricky is that what i want todo is instead of showing the results i want topass the filepaths/name in an array to the zip code to zip them up, it doesnt have to be this code, just anything that will utilise the the filepaths and filenames and zip them..

// create object
$zip = new ZipArchive();

// open output file for writing
if ($zip->open('my-archive.zip', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
    die ("Could not open archive");

// add file from disk
$zip->addFile('app/webroot/img/arrow-prev.gif', 'webroot/img/arrow-prev.gif') or die ("ERROR: Could not add file");        

// add text file as string
$str = "<?PHP die('Access denied'); ?>";
$zip->addFromString('webroot/index.php', $str) or die ("ERROR: Could not add file");        

// add binary file as string
$str = file_get_contents('app/webroot/img/arrow-next.gif');
$zip->addFromString('webroot/img/arrow-next.gif', $str) or die ("ERROR: Could not add file");        

// close and save archive
echo "Archive created successfully.";    


Idearly when sombody goes to http://www.heaven2k.com/development/index.php?DownloadZiped=536153 it will use headers to launch the attachment of the topic as a Zip file to be downloaded this is actualy just 2 lines witht he zip filename and headers to launch file.


I am not to bad with php but when it comes to arrays and zip functions ive just got stuck  :/


Anyone who can provide me this ill send you $40 papal right away, to help me thats best i can do for you..

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