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$req_user_info = $database->getUserInfo($req_user);
echo "<img src=\"http://URLHERE/photo/".$req_user_info['username']."\"\width=\"400\" height=\"300\" >";


I have this script up and running, it shows the User's Profile Picture IF they have uploaded one, is there a code that could find in my folder "photo" the username's photo "Doesn't even have an extension", but if they don't have a PHOTO, redirect to a photo like called unknown.png.


I've got the start and don't know where to be pointed to, I don't ask anyone to write the code for me as to I would like to learn, but is greatly appreciated for help.



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easy way forward



$req_user_info = $database->getUserInfo($req_user);


echo "<img src=\"http://URLHERE/photo/".$req_user_info['username']."\"\width=\"400\" height=\"300\" >";

echo "no pic";

Works like a charm, I added a Exclamation mark because it wasn't working and re-arranged some wording;




$req_user_info = $database->getUserInfo($req_user);


echo "<img src=\"http://URLHERE/photo/".$req_user_info['username']."\"\width=\"400\" height=\"300\" >";

echo "no pic";


Thanks again bro. I didn't like to do with mysql, thats why I needed coding like this.. Perfect.

The above only displays a "no pic" if ther is no user... what if there is a user, but no pic?


// open the specified directory and check if it's opened successfully
$dirPath = 'photo/';
if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) {
// keep reading the directory entries 'til the end
	while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
	// just skip the reference to current and parent directory
		if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
			if (is_dir("$dirPath/$file")) {
				// found a directory
				// do not think about it 
			} else {
				// found an ordinary file
				// use $file
				$req_user_info = $database->getUserInfo($req_user);
				if($req_user_info['username']===$file || !$req_user){
					echo "<img src=\"http://URLHERE/photo/".$file."\" width=\"400\" height=\"300\" >";
					echo "no pic";
// ALWAYS remember to close what you opened

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