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Coding Ideas?


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Hi guys. *note may b wrong topic sorry if is*


Intregrating SMF + MODX into a html template for a gaming team, tarleton.syfgaming.com.au. On the page there is a recent match sectionmatches.jpg. Im not sure how I should go about setting that up. So what basically needs to happen, is that information is posted in a form for instance and is then posted there. I was hoping to make a custom field in SMF, then use a SSI call to post them there, like I have done with the forums section above (tarleton.syfgaming.com.au). However SMF doesn't currently have a mod out for custom fields and is above my head to make on. Any ideas on how i should do this....not doesn't have to be done through MODX or SMF. Cheers for any help.

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I would suggest having the 'list' stored in a database, then drawing on it much like the blocks already there.


Maybe a little more insight on what is needed and how it is to work and what you have to work with


Over look my lack of design skills, I have ladders/tournaments and other blocks on my guild site at sxg.com.au. These simply draw from a database then display them in the block.

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