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Extract HouseName/number and StreetName from Address Line 1

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Hi all,


I am trying to parse the house name or number, and the street name from an address line 1 string. Currently I am just using explode() on the first space but that is not accurate as you can imagine.


Example strings for address line 1 would be things like:


Unit 1-3 High St

101 London Rd

Manor House, Royal Street


Thanks in advance

You could explode() on a comma, if any is found, else grab the number with a regular expression:


$addresses = array('Unit 1-3 High St', '101 London Rd', 'Manor House, Royal Street');
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
if (strpos($address, ',') !== false) {
	list($number, $street) = explode(',', $address, 2);
} else {
	preg_match('~^(.*?)((?:unit )?(?:[0-9]+\s?-\s?[0-9]+|[0-9]+))(.*)$~is', $address, $parts);
	$number = $parts[2];
	if (trim($parts[3]) == '') {
		$street = $parts[1];
	} else {
		$street = $parts[3];
echo "House number/name: $number; street name: $street<br />";


But this solution is far from foolproof, and it's impossible to make a perfect one, since we can't take every possible typing variant into account. We also assume the house name/number is entered first in a comma separated string. If the address is entered into a form, the best solution would be to have two fields; one for house number/name and one for street name.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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