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Pear MDB2 Issues with query (RECURSION)


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I'm having some real issues using MDB2, and my queries are not executing properly.

I'm using the debug option, and also relying on print_r and var_dump of my results.


The bug I'm running into prevents my results from returning, and always has RECURSION

I've reviewed the tutorials, examples and they all look straightforward.

Helpful sites: being  phpied,  codepoets (D.Goodwin), and blogspot tutorial.


I've done various things with the 'Extended' package, but at this point, just looking to do something like:

$mdb2->query("select id, name from vendors where id=3");


*** excerpts from output ***

object(MDB2_BufferedResult_mysqli) ....

["result"]=>  *RECURSION*



I'm on a WinXP machine, running PHP 5.3, and using PEAR 1.8.1 and MDB2 2.4.1


I have noticed trying to create an MDB2 object and establish a connection, can be touchy

MDB2::connect($dsn);  // usually doesn't work

MDB2::factory($dsn);  // works fine


I'll ask a few simple questions:

In my php.ini I've enabled both  mysql  and mysqli  - Is that OK ?


I realize that MDB2 requires a Sub-Package driver for the type of connection you are trying to use.  Generally, I've been using  mysqli so I can use some of the Prepared Statements and AutoExecute functionality. 

I'm assuming I can do a simple  $mdb2->query() with mysqli;  Is that right ?


Did my libraries get screwed up somehow ?

There's enough examples and I even have a LAMP app on a shared host using  simple queries and Extended queries; All that works OK, online.


What does this "recursion" mean, and how can I debug this, to get back using MDB2 again ?


Suggestions from someone who's been through this would be extremely helpful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm revisiting this subject, and I'm just showing excerpts from my code:

Simple query

$rs = $mdb->query("select id, name, addr from grocers where id=34");


when I  var_dump($rs)    It's evident, I didn't get valid result set.


["_error_class"]=> string(10) "PEAR_Error" ["_expected_errors"]=> array(0) { } } ["result"]=> *RECURSION* ["rownum"]=> int(-1) ["types"]=> array(0) { }


Can anyone shed light on  what  *RECURSION*  is, and how to fix it ?

I had MDB2 working right at one point, and that's what is frustrating.


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