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template contact form help


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i bought this template and going well, but i am stuck with the contact page, i want the user to be able to fill the contact form and send it to my mailbox.. yes i have tried it myself and also build my own contact.php . But the template coding is a bit confusing for me


i need some help please  :'(

 <div id="content">		
        <div class="bg-cont png">
            <div class="indent-main">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-1">
                        <div class="box">
                             <form action="" id="form2">
                            <div class="indent-box">
                                <img alt="" src="images/6page_title1.gif" class="title1" /><br />
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="Name:  " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="E-Mail: " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="Phone:" /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="State:" /></div>
                                <textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" value="Message:">Message:</textarea><br />
                                <div class="fright"> <a href="#" class="link-1" onclick="document.getElementById('form2').reset()"><em><b>Reset</b></em></a>
                                     <div class="indent-2"><a href="#" class="link-1" onclick="document.getElementById('form2').submit()"><em><b>Send</b></em></a></div>
                                <div class="clear"></div>


so lets say i make a contact.php and i will change it to <form action="contact.php" id="form2">


how about this line: what should i replace with "a href?????? "

 <div class="fright"> <a href="#" class="link-1" onclick="document.getElementById('form2').reset()"><em><b>Reset</b></em></a>
                                     <div class="indent-2"><a href="#" class="link-1" onclick="document.getElementById('form2').submit()"><em><b>Send</b></em></a></div>



and here is my contact.php page... it doesn't work properly


$name = $_POST['Name'];
$email = $_POST['E-Mail'];
$phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$state = $_POST['State'];

$Message = $_POST['Message'];

$to = "gilbylu@gmail.com";


$message = "";
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value)
$message .= $key.": ".$value."\n\r";



<head> <title> Contact - Message Sent</title>

Message Sent Succesfully.



thanks ~

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Subject is not defined.. well you need to make it defined with what you want anyways.

$subject = 'Now the email has a subject'; // edit with own subject line


next, blank message case sensitive perhaps!


$message = $_POST['Message']."\r\n"; // change to lowercase and remove $message='';
//$message = ""; remove this, now the message will be in the email before the other details of the contact form



want a from? add headers.

$headers  = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";

mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); // add $headers into mail function


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Subject is not defined.. well you need to make it defined with what you want anyways.

$subject = 'Now the email has a subject'; // edit with own subject line


next, blank message case sensitive perhaps!


$message = $_POST['Message']."\r\n"; // change to lowercase and remove $message='';
//$message = ""; remove this, now the message will be in the email before the other details of the contact form



want a from? add headers.

$headers  = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";

mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); // add $headers into mail function



it is getting better, it appears on my mail box now... but i still dont see any message

this is what it looks like

From Nobody <nobody@shuttle.dnsprotect.com>

to gilbylu@gmail.com

date Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:10 PM

subject Tour


and here is the code for the contact.php

$headers  = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";


$subject = 'Tour'; 
$name = $_POST['Name'];
$email = $_POST['E-Mail'];
$phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$state = $_POST['State'];

$message = $_POST['Message']."\r\n"; 

$to = "gilbylu@gmail.com";


foreach($_POST as $key=>$value)
$message .= $key.": ".$value."\n\r";



<head> <title> Contact - Message Sent</title>

Message Sent Succesfully.




and my html code

<div id="content">      
        <div class="bg-cont png">
            <div class="indent-main">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-1">
                        <div class="box">
                             <form action="contact.php" method="POST" id="form2">
                            <div class="indent-box">
                                <img alt="" src="images/6page_title1.gif" class="title1" /><br />
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="Name:  " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="E-Mail: " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="Phone:" /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="State:" /></div>
                                <textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" value="Message:">Message:</textarea><br />
							<input type="reset" value="reset" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
                                <div class="clear"></div>


thanks alot man  :'(

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$subject = 'Tour'; 
$name = $_POST['Name'];
$email = $_POST['E-Mail'];
$phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$state = $_POST['State'];

$message = "Name: $name\r\n";
$message.= "Email: $email\r\n";
$message.= "Phone: ".$_POST['Phone']."\r\n";
$message.= "State: ".$_POST['State']."\r\n";
$message.= "Message: ".$_POST['Message']."\r\n";

$to = "gilbylu@gmail.com";

$headers = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";

$err = 'Message Not Sent.';
$err = 'Message Sent Succesfully.';


<head> <title> Contact - Message Sent</title>
echo $err;

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$subject = 'Tour'; 
$name = $_POST['Name'];
$email = $_POST['E-Mail'];
$phone = $_POST['Phone'];
$state = $_POST['State'];

$message = "Name: $name\r\n";
$message.= "Email: $email\r\n";
$message.= "Phone: ".$_POST['Phone']."\r\n";
$message.= "State: ".$_POST['State']."\r\n";
$message.= "Message: ".$_POST['Message']."\r\n";

$to = "gilbylu@gmail.com";

$headers = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";

$err = 'Message Not Sent.';
$err = 'Message Sent Succesfully.';


<head> <title> Contact - Message Sent</title>
echo $err;


its getting better  :D


but when i check my email  :wtf: geeez i am still researching ... man it is hard :(



to gilbylu@gmail.com

date Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 6:40 PM

subject Tour


hide details 6:40 PM (0 minutes ago)








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ermmm, sorry for not seeing this before, I will let you add this (some homework ;))


no names given to form fields....

<div id="content">     
        <div class="bg-cont png">
            <div class="indent-main">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-1">
                        <div class="box">
                             <form action="contact.php" method="POST" id="form2">
                            <div class="indent-box">
                                <img alt="" src="images/6page_title1.gif" class="title1" /><br />
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Name" value="Name:  " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="E-Mail" value="E-Mail: " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Phone" value="Phone:" /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="State" value="State:" /></div>
                                <textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" name="Message">Message:</textarea><br />
                        <input type="reset" value="reset" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
                                <div class="clear"></div>

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ermmm, sorry for not seeing this before, I will let you add this (some homework ;))


no names given to form fields....

<div id="content">     
        <div class="bg-cont png">
            <div class="indent-main">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-1">
                        <div class="box">
                             <form action="contact.php" method="POST" id="form2">
                            <div class="indent-box">
                                <img alt="" src="images/6page_title1.gif" class="title1" /><br />
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Name" value="Name:  " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="E-Mail" value="E-Mail: " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Phone" value="Phone:" /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="State" value="State:" /></div>
                                <textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" name="Message">Message:</textarea><br />
                        <input type="reset" value="reset" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
                                <div class="clear"></div>


i did muck around with it before, is it to do with name=""? and i just add them myself before they only have

 <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" value="Name:  " /></div>


this is what they look like before :S


textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" >Message:</textarea><br />

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u make my day!! thanks man ... it works, i will try some more  8) !! another thanks for u _b

ermmm, sorry for not seeing this before, I will let you add this (some homework ;))


no names given to form fields....

<div id="content">     
        <div class="bg-cont png">
            <div class="indent-main">
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-1">
                        <div class="box">
                             <form action="contact.php" method="POST" id="form2">
                            <div class="indent-box">
                                <img alt="" src="images/6page_title1.gif" class="title1" /><br />
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Name" value="Name:  " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="E-Mail" value="E-Mail: " /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="Phone" value="Phone:" /></div>
                                <div class="h1"><input type="text" class="input1" name="State" value="State:" /></div>
                                <textarea rows="40" class="textarea" cols="30" name="Message">Message:</textarea><br />
                        <input type="reset" value="reset" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
                                <div class="clear"></div>

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value="" with inputs will make that the value, the actual data in the field itself.


with textarea, the value is the data within <textarea> this is the data which is the value </textarea>


name="" is what is used when 'identifying', the key, of each value. (I am no good at explaining  :-[)


so where <input type=text" name="email" value="me@ohmy.com" /> or what value is entered by the user


you would retrieve it on your process form with $email = $_POST['email]; <-- where ['this value=the name of the field'], assuming the method used in the form was method="POST"


I stop now, I confusing me  ::)

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value="" with inputs will make that the value, the actual data in the field itself.


with textarea, the value is the data within <textarea> this is the data which is the value </textarea>


name="" is what is used when 'identifying', the key, of each value. (I am no good at explaining  :-[)


so where <input type=text" name="email" value="me@ohmy.com" /> or what value is entered by the user


you would retrieve it on your process form with $email = $_POST['email]; <-- where ['this value=the name of the field'], assuming the method used in the form was method="POST"


I stop now, I confusing me  ::)


nah, it is all good, i learnt alot from ya.


ok now i figure some problem....


i recievied the email fine and works well


but i click reply it shows sdfs@gamil.com Name: 222asdsa <E-Mail:> as in fulll


i try modify

$headers = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";



$headers = "From: ".$email."\r\n";


is that right?


and i wana modify the

  $err = 'Message Sent Succesfully.';

do i just do it from there. i mean make the text go mid and insert a picture etc



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i try modify

$headers = "From: ".$name."<".$email.">\r\n";



$headers = "From: ".$email."\r\n";


is that right?





and i wana modify the

  $err = 'Message Sent Succesfully.';

do i just do it from there. i mean make the text go mid and insert a picture etc


You can output any html or text in $err


$err='<p class="message"><img src="mailsent.jpg" alt="Email Sent" /></p>';

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