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[SOLVED] hosting site from personal pc

Cruiz Risner

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Place any files you want online in the htdocs folder. Look in your c drive and locate wamp directory and it should be somewhere under there. Then you'll need to direct your domain name to point to your ip of the pc you're running it from. If you have a dynamic ip, meaning it changes every so often (you probably do) you will need something like dynsupdater to automatically update your ip for your domain name.

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Yes, the www folder is the correct one. I'm used to Xampp which is htdocs, but Wamp seems to use a different name.


Have you registered a domain name anywhere? If you want to pay for one, there are plenty of places to buy a domain name like godaddy. If you're looking for a free one I suggest http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/ they have a few decent extensions that keep the name simple.


Here's the steps for setting it up:

1. Get the ip address of your computer: Go to ipchicken.com, take that address and type it in your address bar. Example, will bring up ipchicken.com; you're ip, if set up properly, should pull up whatever files you placed in the www folder.


2. go to dynDNS and register your name, it will ask you for your ip address, enter that in so that whatever you made for your domain name will point to that ip address.


3. wait about 10 minutes for dynDNS to update itself and you should be good to go!

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nevermind i got it. i backed the index.php back one file and placed index.html in the www dir. it works now -- http://asv.kicks-ass.org


I'm trying to load it here, but it's timing out, I'm guessing the DNS name just hasn't been updated yet.


Another thing to think about, I suggest downloading the DNSUpdater from their site, it will automatically detect and update your ip address to the domain name so that you don't have any downtime it changes.

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