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[SOLVED] Loading from a test file


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I started very simple with this page:



<?php {
$lang['t48']='Sign guestbook';
<?php echo $lang['t48']; ?>


when I look in my browser it shows the right thing. But now I'd like to get all this from an extern text file, but how can I get it working?



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the easy way to get a file's contents is


$myvar=file_get_contents("myfile.txt");  //$myvar will contain the string contents of the file myfile.txt


if you need to split the string by newlines

$myvar2=explode("\n",$myvar);  //$myvar2 will contain an array with each element being a line of text from $myvar

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so this should be my page then?



<?php {
<?php echo $lang['t48']; ?>
<?php echo $lang['homebe']; ?>


and this my text file: (text.txt)


$lang['t48']='Sign guestbook<br>';
$lang['homebe']='Welkom op onze site waar je alles vindt over ons eindwerk waaraan we het komende jaar zullen werken (2009-2010).<br>Wij (Pieter Steverlynck, Frederik Van de Velde en Ludovic Avet) zullen de windmolen gebruiken als onderwerp voor onze gip.<br>In dit eindwerk kan een stuklijst, verantwoording van materiaal, technische tekeningen, kleine testjes, sterkteleer, etc. voorkomen.<br>Na afloop zal de gip beschikbaar zijn op deze site.<br><br><img src="images/dot.png" width="100%" height="1px"><br><br><center><a href="mailto:eindwerkwindmolen@hotmail.com" style="text-decoration:none"><font color="red">eindwerkwindmolen@hotmail.com</font></a><br><br></center>';


if so, it don't work :S

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