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if  (in_array($contractId, $contractAdminArray)) { $admin='yes'; } else { $admin='no';}

echo $admin;

$contractAdminArrayString= implode(',',$contractAdminArray);

echo $contractAdminArrayString;





clearly 37 is in the array but the script says it's not. what am I doing wrong?

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Only thing that I can think of is maybe because they're off different data types, but even that shouldn't cause a problem.


do this, right before the in_array() and post what it outputs:



Oh, then it's clear why it isn't working.. in_array() checks all the elements of the array. You only have one element that contains a string..


You should explode the string in that element by ',' then check the array.


Or use stripos() to check the string.

oh. maybe there's a problem in how I'm creating the array.

This is the code:

$empid = $_COOKIE['empid'.$companyName];
$div = $_COOKIE['divisionId'];

//contract manager
mysql_select_db($database_conn_org, $conn_org);
$qManager = "SELECT DISTINCT contract_teamdets.contractId as x FROM contract_teamdets  WHERE ((contract_teamdets.teamRoleID = 1 OR contract_teamdets.teamRoleId=4) AND contract_teamdets.empID = $empid) ";
$rsManager = mysql_query($qManager, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
////start array my contracts//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while ($row_rsManager = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsManager))
array_push ($myContractsArray, $row_rsManager['x']);
//ownership items
$qOwner = "SELECT DISTINCT contracts.contractId as x FROM  contracts Inner Join tblclients ON contracts.clientId = tblclients.clientId  WHERE  tblclients.empID_relationshipHolder=$empid ";
$rsOwner = mysql_query($qOwner, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
///continue array
while ($row_rsOwner = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsOwner))
array_push ($myContractsArray, $row_rsOwner['x']);
$myContractsArrayString= implode(',',$myContractsArray);


//add any personal contracts to the new array before building up further.
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $myContractsArrayString);

if 	($_SESSION['divisionAdmin']=='yes'){
$query_rsDivisionContracts = "SELECT contracts.contractId as x, contracts.divisionId FROM contracts WHERE contracts.divisionId = $div ";
$rsDivisionContracts = mysql_query($query_rsDivisionContracts, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
//continue building array
while ($row_rsDivisionContracts = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsDivisionContracts))
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsDivisionContracts['x']);
//continue building array
if 	(($_SESSION['globalAdmin']=='yes')||($_SESSION['HRAdmin']=='yes')){ 
$query_rsGlobalContracts = "SELECT DISTINCT contracts.contractId as x FROM contracts";
$rsGlobalContracts = mysql_query($query_rsGlobalContracts, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());

($row_rsGlobalContracts = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsGlobalContracts))
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsGlobalContracts['x']);

I have build one array that has a specific purpose and then I want to use that array in another array. I should find a better way to do that.

Can you please post your full source? It's hard to figure out the full problem when I'm partially blind-sighted.


This doesn't look right though:


$myContractsArrayString= implode(',',$myContractsArray);


//add any personal contracts to the new array before building up further.
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $myContractsArrayString);

Yeah. I was creating a string and then dumping it in the array. that was creating an array with a string in it rather than adding each string element to the array which I wanted to do. I fixed it.

Thanks for the help!

<?php session_start();
$empid = $_COOKIE['empid'.$companyName];
$div = $_COOKIE['divisionId'];

//contract manager
mysql_select_db($database_conn_org, $conn_org);
$qManager = "SELECT DISTINCT contract_teamdets.contractId as x FROM contract_teamdets  WHERE ((contract_teamdets.teamRoleID = 1 OR contract_teamdets.teamRoleId=4) AND contract_teamdets.empID = $empid) ";
$rsManager = mysql_query($qManager, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
////start array my contracts//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
while ($row_rsManager = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsManager))
array_push ($myContractsArray, $row_rsManager['x']);
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsManager['x']);
//ownership items
$qOwner = "SELECT DISTINCT contracts.contractId as x FROM  contracts Inner Join tblclients ON contracts.clientId = tblclients.clientId  WHERE  tblclients.empID_relationshipHolder=$empid ";
$rsOwner = mysql_query($qOwner, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
///continue array
while ($row_rsOwner = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsOwner))
array_push ($myContractsArray, $row_rsOwner['x']);
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsOwner['x']);
$myContractsArrayString= implode(',',$myContractsArray);

//add any personal contracts to the new array before building up further.
//array_push ($contractAdminArray, $myContractsArrayString);

if 	($_SESSION['divisionAdmin']=='yes'){
$query_rsDivisionContracts = "SELECT contracts.contractId as x, contracts.divisionId FROM contracts WHERE contracts.divisionId = $div ";
$rsDivisionContracts = mysql_query($query_rsDivisionContracts, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());
//continue building array
while ($row_rsDivisionContracts = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsDivisionContracts))
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsDivisionContracts['x']);
//continue building array
if 	(($_SESSION['globalAdmin']=='yes')||($_SESSION['HRAdmin']=='yes')){ 
$query_rsGlobalContracts = "SELECT DISTINCT contracts.contractId as x FROM contracts";
$rsGlobalContracts = mysql_query($query_rsGlobalContracts, $conn_org) or die(mysql_error());

($row_rsGlobalContracts = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsGlobalContracts))
array_push ($contractAdminArray, $row_rsGlobalContracts['x']);
//array is complete
///turn it into a string to be used in a query
$contractAdminArrayString= implode(',',$contractAdminArray);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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